Chapter 23

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Hey everyone, I'm so sorry that my updating has been so erratic lately. I might have to consider changing my update days again, but for now I will keep trying to update once a week on Sundays.

On a different note, if you guys have any questions about the story or about the origin of something in the story, feel free to message me! I would love to answer your questions!

Anyway, happy reading! Have a great rest of your day!


I weigh my options. I could turn and go as fast as I can in the other direction. I could dodge the mysterious rider and go back to the dome. Or, I could just stay where I am and assume the best. I choose option three. 

I take my helmet off, cut the engine and sit back to wait for the person to catch up to me. As the person's features become more distinguishable, I know I've made the right choice. I can see her chocolate brown hair blowing in the wind and her very light mocha-toned skin. I can also just make out her emerald green eyes behind the visor. She pulls up to me, stops her bike, and takes her helmet off.

"Hey Kaze!" she says enthusiastically.

"What's up Camryn?" I say. "You like the new wheels I've got?"

"You couldn't have chosen a better one! The Eagle is the best model out there right now. I've heard it can go from zero to eighty in under a second!" Camryn says. 

I smile. I love how Camryn knows her buzzbiking just as well as I do.

"Want a ride? I'll test that zero to eighty theory of yours," I say. Camryn's eyes light up.

"Sure!" she says. 

She practically jumps off of her bike, jams her helmet on her head, and clambers onto the Eagle behind me. Her arms snake around my waist and I feel my cheeks grow warm. I haven't been hugged in days, and her arms around me feel soft and comforting. The physical contact lightens my mood even more, and I resist the urge to lean into her, even though she's only embracing me to hang onto the bike. 

"Kaze, get ahold of yourself," I mutter aloud. 

"What'd you say?" asks Camryn.

"Oh, I didn't say anything," I say as I turn the bike on. 

I rev the engine and activate my helmet. Then, I twist around to face Camryn.

"Here we go, zero to eighty!" I yell. 

I feel Camryn's arms tighten slightly, bringing back my happiness about her almost-hug. I grin and then we take off across the dunes. It still surprises me how smoothly the bike runs and I know Camryn is impressed too because she hasn't said anything yet.

"Woo hoo! This is amazing!" she yells, laughing with the exhilaration. 

I laugh with her. While we ride, my perception of my situation begins to shift. I think of my brother. I think of Natlee. And then, I insert Camryn into the picture. As soon as she takes center stage in my mind, I realize something: I don't like Natlee. At least, I don't like her in the way I thought I did.  

All this time I had been so busy pining after her, like she was some sort of unattainable object that I had to try and win. The whole time, I never thought that someone else was sitting right in front of me, just waiting to be noticed. She's even sitting behind me right now. 

I fall silent for the rest of the ride, my mind bubbling with thoughts of her. How could I have been so dense? Everything seems crystal clear now that my strange infatuation with Natlee has been put to rest. I guess the only question is: What do I do now? 

Before I can answer myself, we arrive where Camryn left her bike. I stop the engine and take off my helmet as she dismounts the bike behind me. She grabs her helmet off her bike and holds it in her hand as if she's reluctant to put it on and leave.

"Today was fun," Camryn says, smiling with her eyes to the ground. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem," I say. "I'm surprised you got onto a bike that I was driving." 

Camryn laughs, looking up at me. The green of her eyes is stunning. I have no idea how I had not noticed that before. I hope I will have more chances to look into her irises and get lost in their beauty. 

"Yeah, that was a risky decision on my part," she says. In the distance, a foghorn sounds.

"Want to ride back together?" I ask her, hoping that I don't sound too eager.

"Sure!" says Camryn. 

I put on my helmet again and start up my bike. As she mounts her bike, I think I hear her mutter something else to herself. I decide not to question her about it. I wish she was saying something about me.

"Are you coming or what?" Camryn asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You bet I am," I say as I rev my engine and speed off towards the dome with her.

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