Chapter 36

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Hey y'all! Sorry I didn't post a chapter last week. I had family over at my house and couldn't find the time to update. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Thank you so much for reading!


"So, what did you want to talk about?" asks Camryn, leading me to her couch. "Is there something wrong?" We both sit down and Camryn snuggles her head into my shoulder. 

"It's about Ximon," I say, not sure where to start. "I really don't know whether I should tell him about our plan or not. Today when I was working on my drone he came over and talked with me. He saw that I was trying to install a camera system onto the drone and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was trying to find out more about monsters outside the dome because I didn't know what else to say and he started grilling me about my time outside the dome. Now I'm pretty sure that he's suspicious of me and I have to meet with him tomorrow. I don't know what to do." I take a breath and go on. 

"The thing is, I want to tell Ximon about what we're doing because he was my mom's friend; I just don't know how loyal he is to the One. I don't think he would go and report us if he found out, but what if he did? I couldn't endanger you or Drayk or anyone else in our group like that. I feel responsible for you guys because I'm the one that asked you to come and help me in the first place," I say. I swallow hard, awaiting Camryn's response. There is a moment of silence while she thinks about what to say.

"Well," says Camryn slowly. "From what you've said in the past, Ximon sounds like he loved your mom. He probably loves you too, deep down, because you're her son. Personally, I don't think he would tell anyone about what we're doing but you should do what you think is right. If you really want him to be part of our team then just tell him. Don't worry about us; we're the ones who signed up to be part of your group in the first place." 

"I kinda forced you all to join, though," I say sheepishly. Camryn picks her head up off my shoulder and looks me in the eye. 

"We all joined because we are your friends, not because you forced us. Trust me, all of those guys want to be there with you while you try to do your crazy plan. That includes me," she says. A weight that I didn't know existed begins to lift off my shoulders. I will tell Ximon about our plan. He'll join us. He has to for the sake of my mother. 

"I'll tell Ximon tomorrow, then," I say, bringing my thoughts to words. I wrap my arms around Camryn again, feeling surprisingly carefree for the circumstances. She melts into my embrace. This time I am the one that pulls away. I glance at my watch and see that we've been talking for the past hour. I gently untangle my arms from Camryn and stand up from the couch. 

"I'd better be going," I say reluctantly. "I have to go eat dinner. I mean, you could come with me if you'd like. I can whip up something in Harvel's kitchen." Camryn smiles and stands up next to me. 

"That would be great," she says. "I haven't eaten anything yet anyway." She takes my hand. 

"Prepare yourself for some delicious microwave hotdogs," I say jokingly. Camryn laughs. I lead her out of her apartment building and we walk out into the night together. 

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