Chapter 16

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I fight to keep my face straight as my mother's stories rush through my head. But, as hard as I try, it is difficult to imagine this seemingly benign person in front me could have done such horrible things. 

"You don't seem surprised," says the One as he stares curiously into my eyes and possibly down into my soul as well. I clear my throat. 

"Trust me, sir, I am very surprised. I often tend to not display my emotions very prominently on my face," I say, hoping my explanation sounds valid enough. 

The One gives me the tiniest smile. I breathe the tiniest sigh of relief. 

"Interesting," he says. There is a moment of silence. 

"Well, you are probably wondering why you are here," says the One. I nod, not saying a word. 

"It has come to my attention," he begins, "that you have somehow managed to survive the night outside of the dome. Now, you may feel as if you deserve punishment, but I personally think that what you've done is a great accomplishment. So, I have gotten you a reward." 

With that, the One brushes his hand over a section of the wall and it opens to reveal a large white box hidden behind it. The One lifts it out of its compartment and hands it to me. The package is much lighter than I expect. 

"Well, there you are," says the One. "Now I'll let you go. I do hope you enjoy what I've gotten you." 

He smiles, but I think it looks slightly off. In this moment I think I see a malicious sort of glint in his eye, but whatever I thought I saw disappears as quickly as it came. Strange. It must have been a trick of the light. 

"Th-thank you sir," I say, stumbling over my words. "I appreciate the gift." 

"Good, boy," says the One. "It's always good to have a healthy appreciation for the hand that feeds you." 

He locks eyes with me for a couple seconds too long. Then, he turns and begins to walk to the corner of the room. The One snaps his fingers and the big burly man appears out of nowhere. He slips the blindfold back over my eyes and begins to lead me from the room. 

Before I know it, I am back in the hover and we are zooming down the road. Suddenly, the man driving stops near where they picked me up. They shove me and my package out the door of the hover and drive away without another word. 

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