Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit late. Our wifi went out on Friday and then we left for vacation right after. Since I am on vacation, there will be no new chapter this Friday so I feel kind of bad about leaving you guys hanging at the end of this chapter (insert diabolical laugh :). But, as always, I hope you enjoy!

Have a great rest of your day! :D


I boldly stare this man in the eye, shocking myself with my lack of fear. I'm too far gone into my own boiling emotions to care what this dude is about to tell me. The man's hand tightens on my shoulder and his eyes narrow slightly at me. Would this sucker catch me if I tried to run? I do a quick evaluation of his figure again. Yeah, he'd definitely catch me. That would just make my day crappier than it already is. 

"So, what do you need me for?" I say, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. 

"You'll find out," he says. He drops his hand from my shoulder to my wrist and starts to pull me down the street. 

"We aren't taking the strip?" I ask. 

"I've got a hover," he says. 

I nod and lapse into silence. The man leads me to a large black hovercraft. He motions for me to climb in and I do so willingly. The man sits in the back seat with me while another man of the same build drives. The windows are tinted so I can't see where we're going. After a mere minute, I lose all sense of direction in an unsettling rush. 

About 5 minutes later the hover stops suddenly. The man next to me opens the door, grabs my wrist again, and yanks me out of the hover. I blink to try to adjust to the sudden brightness outside, but before I get a chance to look at anything, a blindfold is tied over my eyes. I immediately try to take it off, but the man's arms clamp down on me like vises. 

"Come on, boy," says the man as he tugs me to my right. 

We walk (or I stumble) for a few minutes before I am pushed into a chair and the blindfold is lifted from my eyes. The room I am in is completely blank and devoid of color. The walls, ceiling, floor, and chair are a stark white and my eyes scream in protest at the contrast between them and the dark blindfold. My clothes are the only things in the room that offer any sort of color other than white. The whole experience is quite unsettling. 

"Hello, Kaze," a soft male voice interrupts my thoughts. 

I whip my head to the side to find a man dressed in all white robes. His gray eyes look leached of life and glow. His skin is as white as the room. Judging by the wrinkles in his face, he is somewhere in his late forties or early fifties. His presence adds to the uncomfortable feeling of the room.  

"Who are you?" I ask. 

"I am the One," he says. 

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