Chapter 33

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Hello readers! I hope you are all having an amazing day. I am having a very cold day, since it is snowing out right now! Anyways, enjoy reading as always! 

Stay warm out there! (wherever you may happen to be) :)


"Okay everyone, I have to tell you all something," I say to my friends. I'm sitting in Harvel's living room with Harvel, Drayk, Camryn, Aekira, and Natlee sitting in front of me, all crammed onto Harvel's small couch. It's been a week since I last flew the drone and I've already decided I'm going to need help if I'm going to visit my mother. I'm a bit nervous to tell my friends what I'm about to and I glance towards the window where my extraordinary achievement award is hanging. Somehow this gives me a little boost of confidence and I take a breath and begin to speak. 

"So, when I was stuck outside the dome, things didn't actually happen like I said they did," I begin. All of my friends shift towards me slightly, suddenly more interested in what I have to say. I haven't really told them many details about my night outside the dome, so I kind of expected this type of reaction.  

"While I was out there," I say, "I wasn't alone. I had help from someone. And that someone was my mother." I pause. No one says a word. Drayk's mouth drops open and his eyes start to glass over. 

"My mother, Renaya Alio, has been living outside the dome for the past fifteen years. No one knows she is out there. Everyone thinks she's dead because everyone was told she didn't make it back into the dome on time like I did. While I was outside the dome, I... ran into some trouble. I got hurt. I was ready to give up and just let myself die. But, my mom saved me and I got to talk to her. Now, I want to go back and figure out some way that I can see her again. And I want Drayk to come with me so he can see her too. I just don't quite know how. And that's why I'm telling you about all of this. I need help," I say. My friends all sit in silence. Camryn wears an expression of pity. I know she wants to say something, but she doesn't know what. 

"Mom is alive?" Drayk finally says, breaking the silence. His voice is raspy as if he might cry. I nod, suddenly feeling as if I might cry as well. Drayk gets up off the couch. 

"I want to see her," he says, resolutely. "I'll help you. Whatever you need." I smile gratefully at him. 

"I'm in," says Camryn softly. She stands and takes my hand. 

"What the heck?" says Harvel, also rising from the couch. Aekira silently follows him. Natlee is the only one left sitting. 

"I have one question," she says. "How is this all going to be kept secret? I mean, none of us will tell, but what about security cameras and the police? This is pretty illegal." 

"The people I work with trust me enough to let me go almost wherever I want. I'll be able to learn any security systems and the police won't show up because they only come when they're called," I say. 

"Well," Natlee hesitates. I see Drayk make eye contact with her, urging her to join us. 

"Okay," says Natlee. She gets up and goes to stand by Drayk. I grin, happy with the group I've assembled and excited that some of my plans and ideas might come to fruition. 

"Alright," I say. "Let's get down to business."

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