Chapter 20

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"It took you long enough," says the stranger. I swallow back my shock. 

"Who are you and why are you here?" I ask forcefully. The stranger smirks lazily and doesn't answer.

"Oh come on! Did you even hear me? Can you just give one bit of effort and answer my frickin question?!" I yell. 

I stand there, breathing heavily. Yikes. I didn't mean for that to come out as forcefully as it did. Before I know what is happening, the stranger's face is two inches from my own. 

"I would watch your tone with me. I'm not exactly here out of my own free will, Kaze," she says silkily. 

"How do you know my name?" I ask in a small voice. 

"Our moms were friends," she says. "But, that's not important. Follow me." 

She strides past me and I follow her, not sure of what else to do. She leads me out of the house and into my mechanics shop. 

"What are we doing here?" I say. "Do you want your bike fixed or something?"

"No, stupid," says the girl. "Your mom built a secret room in here in case the One ever came for you or your brother. It had the equipment to contact the rebel force she was working for. That's what we're going to do." 

"Uh, no," I say. "There's no way I'm getting involved with any of this. I just want to live my life in peace."

"Too late," she says snarkily. "You got involved in this as soon as your mom and dad joined up. Now you can either go into that room with me or I'll-"

"Whatever, I'm going," I say. 

I get the feeling that this girl is not to be messed with. She walks to the back of my shop where I have my personal workbench. She feels underneath it for a second and I here a muffled click. A panel in the floor opens up to reveal a narrow staircase that leads down below my shop. I hesitate, but it only takes one look from the girl and I'm on my way down the stairs. 

"So, just curious," I say, "How do you know about all of this and I don't?" 

"I'm a very good eavesdropper. Obviously no one has taught you that skill," she says loftily. I glare at her before speaking again. 

"Also, who the heck are you, and how'd you get into my house?" I say. 

"My name is Celethe. Your brother left the door open so I didn't have to pick the lock," she says. 

This girl is on a mission to push my buttons. At last, we reach the bottom of the stairs. The narrow passageway opens up to a large room with walls made completely of metal. To my left there are shelves upon shelves of food and supplies. On the wall to my right there is a large TV screen and a small couch. There is also a small table with two chairs in the middle of the room and a set of bunk beds is pressed up into a corner. Celethe presses a button on the wall and closes a metal vault door behind us. She grabs a remote off the couch and turns on the screen. 

"Sit down," she says, motioning towards the couch. 

I plop down and indignantly put my dirty feet up on the cushions. After receiving an exasperated look from Celethe, I stare at the TV, waiting for something amazing to happen. Suddenly,  the black screen flickers with static and the faces of a severe looking man and woman appear. These people must be the head of the alliance. These people worked with my mother. 

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