Chapter 3

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I freeze as any blood in my face quickly drains. Seriously? Out of all the people here, Treye has to pick me? Come on, focus, Kaze. Which do I pick? Do I ask for truth or go for a dare? After a second of debate, I know I obviously can't pick truth. That would make it too easy for them to find out about Natlee. A dare is my best bet. 

"Dare," I say, sounding as if I've eaten a toad. 

I try to clear my throat as quietly as possible. Get it together, Kaze. Everything will be fine. Treye thinks for a moment, a smile slowly spreading across his face. 

"You're young and haven't gone on a date yet," he says. 

No, no, no. This is heading in the wrong direction. 

"I dare you to go on a date with," Treye pauses, surveying the group. I hold my breath. 

"Natlee!" says Treye, looking satisfied. 

For what seems like the thousandth time this evening, my mouth goes absolutely dry. I cough loudly, drawing stares from my friends. I glance over at Natlee who is wearing a shocked expression. Or is it a face of horror? I am clueless; I have no experience with this sort of thing. 

I decide I have to talk to her. I have to be a man, or my chances of ever actually being with her are gone. I swallow and walk over to her. 

"Hey," I say, my voice rasping. "Does tomorrow night work for you?" 

Natlee nods. 

"Okay," I say. "Want to meet me at my house after the dome closes? Then we can go out somewhere." 

Natlee nods again, perpetuating the terrible awkwardness of this situation. I wish she'd say something so I could at least be sure that she doesn't hate me. 

"Sounds good," I say. 

I'm standing there like an idiot when, out of the corner of my eye, I see Camryn staring wistfully off into space as if she's thinking deeply about something. Curious, I want to go and talk to her, but what would Natlee think? 

Just then, the second foghorn sounds from the dome signaling that there is ten minutes until the dome closes and saving me from my predicament. 

"Alright gang, we've got to head in!" says Drayk. We all run over to our bikes and shove our helmets on. 

"See you there, slowpokes!" shouts Harvel as he speeds off toward the dome. 

We yell after him and hurry to catch up. As we near the dome, we fall into a single file line and zoom through the gates, ignoring the shouts of "Slow down, you stupid kids!" from the gate security workers. We call goodbyes to each other and all ride off in our own directions. Drayk pulls up alongside me. 

"You happy or what, little bro?" he says as we veer onto our street. 

I roll my eyes and keep them solidly on the road before me. I refuse to make eye contact with Drayk right now; he is way too eager to tease me. After a bit longer on the streets, we turn into our driveway and park our bikes in the garage. The two of us then walk over to the small house we share and climb the stairs. As soon as we get inside and I close the front door, we get to talking. 

"So, where are you gonna take Miss Dream Girl?" Drayk says, trying to look innocent. 

I shrug, because I hadn't really thought of that yet. Drayk is unimpressed. 

"I'll tell you one thing, do not take her to that cruddy organic buffet that's down the street. Once I took a girl there and she never spoke to me again! It was a shame; she was pretty," he says. 

I bark out a laugh. Considering my brother is 19 and has had countless girlfriends, I believe him. 

"Okay, you're supposed to be the expert on this kind of stuff," I say. "So where would Natlee want me to take her?" 

"Well, I dunno," says Drayk, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe get pizza and wings? It's foolproof." 

I am skeptical. Pizza just doesn't seem good enough for Natlee. She deserves better. 

"Nah," I say. "Too basic. Any good restaurants out there?"

"You could take her to a Mexican place like El Taco Loco," Drayk suggests. "Very romantic with those dudes serenading in the background." 

Romantic? Absolutely not. I haven't even told Natlee that I really like her yet. We'll be going to dinner as friends tomorrow. Close friends... 

"Hello?" says Drayk, waving a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Kaze; anybody home?" 

"Yeah, sorry," I say. "Thanks for your input, bro. I'm gonna go chill in my room." 

"Okay, I'm gonna watch TV down here if you want more advice," says Drayk. "See ya." 

I give him a nod and then walk up the stairs to my room.  I still have no idea what I'm going to do. Once I'm get into my room, I plop down at my desk and open up my laptop. I search the maps of the dome for about an hour before I finally find a place called "The Bike Den" that I think looks good enough for Natlee. I shut my laptop and collapse onto my bed. 

I can't mess up this chance to impress Natlee. Honestly, it might be the only one I ever get. If I screw up, it's over. 

With these thoughts swirling in my mind and nervousness gnawing at my insides, I fall into an uneasy sleep to try and prepare for tomorrow. 

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