Chapter 18

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Hey guys. I'm so sorry I haven't posted the last few weeks. School is just starting up again and with the coronavirus things have been even more hectic than usual. Thanks for being understanding. 

As always, enjoy!


When I wake up the next morning, a resolve has settled over me. Today I am going to face my brother. I stand up from the ground and smooth my clothes. I recoil slightly at the sweat I can feel in the cloth. I really need to get new clothes today when I go to my house, because I'm filthy. 

I am about to go out the door when I see the white package sitting on my bed. I haven't touched it, let alone looked inside. I glance at the clock in the room. It's only 7:00. Drayk will probably still be sleeping at this point. And besides, I haven't even eaten breakfast. I can't do this whole confronting thing on an empty stomach. 

I turn away from the door and plop down on the bed next to the package. Without pausing to think about what could be inside of it, I tear the top of the package off to reveal another white box with an envelope resting on top of it. I go for the envelope first. 

It (like everything else associated with the One) is a stark white with an iridescent seal that flashes different colors under the light. I carefully pry it open and lift two sheets of paper out. 

The first is a check.  I scan it for the amount gifted to me, and my eyes blow wide open. 100,000 Jiras?! That's worth a small fortune in our money. The One must have been feeling quite generous for him to hand this to me just like that. 

The second paper is a certificate that says "Extraordinary Achievement Award" and is signed by the One. I roll my eyes and toss it onto the bed. Then, I grab the smaller white package and sit it on my lap. Dozens of possibilities run through my head as I rip open the top flaps. At last, I reach inside and pull out something light and cool to the touch. 

At first glance, it looks like a hinged piece of metal, but when I turn it over in my palm I push some sort of a button on accident. The metal immediately unfolds and expands until it's shape resembles something very familiar. 

"A buzzbiking helmet?" I whisper, gingerly holding the metal. 

It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. The shape is that of a typical helmet, but there is no visor and the metal changes color from second to second. I cautiously put it on my head and light suddenly flashes in front of my eyes, making me jump. A screen materializes where the visor would typically be and the dome symbol appears on it. 

"Hello, Kaze Alio," says an electronic female voice in my ear. 

"Whoa," I say, not sure what to make of this technology. 

Out of curiosity, I move to touch the space where the visor would be with my finger, but my finger is stopped by a hard material where the screen is. 

"No way," I mutter. 

The screen that appeared when I put the helmet on is the visor. This helmet is a seriously amazing piece of machinery.

"Now, I wonder what you can do," I say aloud to the screen. At my words, a memo shows up. 

"Begin programmed message," says the helmet's voice. A video starts playing on the screen. 

"Hello, Kaze," says the One. In the video, he's sitting inside a white room. No surprise. 

"When I was trying to find you a gift," he continues, "it came to my attention that you are rather fond of buzzbiking. So, I had this helmet built especially for you. It contains all of the latest buzzbiking technology such as the special visor which I'm sure you've already noticed. The visor works by voice command and it only recognizes your voice, should the helmet be stolen. If you'd like to take a tour of the helmet's other features, just ask it. I hope you enjoy your gift, Kaze." 

The video shuts off and the screen goes back to being blank. I sit in silence, dumbfounded by the enormity of what the One has given me. Since there's really nothing better for me to do, I decide to try the voice command. 

"Um, hey helmet?" I say tentatively. "How do I change your color?" 

"Just ask," says the helmet. 

"Okay, could you change to blue?" I ask. When there is no response, I take the helmet off. Sure enough, the metal has turned to a brilliant shade of cobalt. I put it back on my head. 

"Helmet, what time is it?" I ask. 

"It is nine thirty," it says. 

Nine thirty?! I take the helmet off once more and set it on the bed. The rest of the features can wait. My brother cannot. Without a second thought, I dash out the door with Drayk being the only thing on my mind. 

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