You had checked the entire song list of the concert.. you knew it'd be phenomenal.. 

After ON, came N.O., followed by We Are Bulletproof Pt.2.. they were such forceful and tough songs.. and Bangtan's vigor was no joke..

And all of them looked so effortlessly hunky..

Then came Namjoon's Intro: Persona.. you were already in love with the song and his performance seemed to add more years to your life..

After that Boy In Luv, you were so not ready for this, you had never thought you'd see boys perform this iconic song live but you were so thankful they decided to do this..

God, why do they have to be so hot?

"Dude?" Eric bumped his shoulder into yours, "look at Jimin" 

You did as he said.

"Beautiful" you breathed out.

"Yes that's true, but look at him as in, LOOK, I think he's finding someone in the crowd" he said.

"What, are you crazy?" but then you looked at him again and true enough, he did seem to be looking for someone.. but no one could tell, he did it so professionally.. 

My sneaky little Park Jimin..

"Well, I hope he finds whoever he's looking for.. I'm sure he's in love.. it has been my theory ever since the Vmin live" you said and started singing, "SAY WHAT YOU WANT, SAY WHAT YOU WANT"

"You might be right" Eric said, "But for some reason I still hope Jin is waiting for his soulmate, because that's me" 

"Shut up and let me look at them" you said.

After Boy in Luv, they interacted with thousands of people who had filled up the stadium..

A few seconds ago all of them were looking so hot while performing, and now.. so adorable.

Their duality is crazy..

They were talking about how great they feel performing in (your country).. how much they love all of you, how much your support means to them.. 

Always so soothing.. always so comforting... thank you for existing BTS..


"I'm your Hope" Hoseok said.

"WOHOOOOOOOOO", the entire stadium went crazy..

"You're my hope" he waited again and smiled showing his baby dimples.

"I'm J-" he put his mic towards the crowd.

"HOPEEEEE" everyone shouted.

While Hoseok was interacting with everyone, Jungkook's eyes were scanning the entire area..

He turned to Jimin who was drinking water and whispered in his ear, "Where was she again?" 

"Oh I found her" Jimin said and blushed.

"Where?" Taehyung asked.

"Shut up, her friend is looking at us" Jimin said.

"Oh isn't she V Hyung biased?" Jungkook asked.

"Tell me where so I can wave at her" Taehyung said.

"Shut up Taehyung" Jimin said, "yahhh, why won't y/n look at me"

"Because Hobi hyung is speaking" Jungkook said, "Oh, I found her, she looks so beautiful"

"Can someone tell me where she is?" Taehyung asked again.

"Yeah she does" Jimin blushed again.

"Oh she looks prettier in person" Yoongi said from Taehyung's right.

"Seriously?" Taehyung whined.

"What?" Yoongi asked.

"Okay enough, it's my turn now" Jimin said, without realizing that Jin had already spoken.

While speaking, Jimin had made eye contact with y/n about 5 times...He knew the effect it was having on her.. she was visibly swooning..

Did the poor girl survive this?

He kept lingering on even though it was supposed to be a short introduction only so y/n would keep looking at him..

Okay, maybe that's a lot..

"You know there are other ARMYs here too and the rest of us need to speak too" Namjoon whispered into his ear.

But how can I not look at her..

"Haha, Namjoon Hyung just told me that I should stop speaking because I'm talking a lot" Jimin chuckled, "but what can I do, I love you all so much" he unknowingly looked at y/n again and this time she almost tripped but some tall guy held her before she could fall.

What the fuck? Who is this asshole?

She smiled at him, and mouthed a 'thank you' before turning her attention back at Jimin.. but all Jimin could see was how he had placed his hand on y/n's shoulder...

Ugh, idk why writing this chapter was so exciting..

I'm missing them so much..

I looked at Yoongi's pictures and videos for 2 hours today..

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