Jealous Girls (Chapter 5)

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A smile made it's way across my face as I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, phone in hand.

Hisoka isn't in the kitchen and I haven't seen him all morning, that's odd. It'll be kinda weird walking to school with Killua and Gon though. Killua and Gon are probably really close by now so I decided to go outside to wait for them. When I stepped out I could hear Gon laughing in the distance and Killua saying 'Baka'.

I let out a small chuckle as they started to get closer and closer. "Good morning Y/N!" Gon greeted as he and Killua reached my house. "Morning Gon!" I replied as we started walking to school. The walk was short and quiet Killua seemed a little cranky but I'm guessing he always acts like that in the morning.

We arrived at school shortly and walked in. While heading to the classroom I was getting a lot of rude and mean looks from the girls that we passed which just confused me. I tried to ignore it though, Gon and Killua didn't seem to notice. The classroom was almost fulln when we got there so we just took our seats.

There weren't any enpty seats that were next to each other so we got split up. Killua got stuck between two snobby looking girls and Gon was at the front of the room next to two nice looking twins. I got stuck a few seats away from Killua listening to the girls try and flirt/talk to him. I rolled my eyes as the teacher walked in and started class.

The bell rang signaling it was time for lunch as a girl quickly walked by my desk dropping a note on it in the process. Once everyone left I got up and looked and the note. 'Meet me behind the school' It was kinda weird but I'm not hungry and this does kinda make me curious. I walked out of the room hedding to the front door.

Most of the students were in class or in lunch so the hallways were completely empty. I snuck out the door and went to the back of the school. When I arrived there were three girls standing there waiting for me. One of them being the person that handed me the note. Cautiously I walked towards them as their attention turned to me.

"Look who it is." the girl in the middle with blonde hair and red tips cooed. "What do you mean?" I questioned cautiously stepping away. All of the girls were giving off a huge amount of bloodlust, almost as much as Hisoka. One of the girls was extremely fast and made her way behind me and pinned me down.

The other girl came over and helped hold me down. The girl talked before walked towards us and pulled a knife out of her back pocket causing my eyes to widen. Oh shit. I haven't done anything assassin related in years so I am not prepared to fight 3 girls on my own. Especially if they're hunters. "Listen here you little whor*. You are going to stay away from Killua or next time we meet, your punishment will be much worse." she seethed standing over me.

Seriously, that's what this whole thing is about? I made a nen blade, it appeared in between me and me girl that was looming over me. Once she was caught off guard I kicked her feet in a swift motion causing her to fall on the ground. Then I sent two more nen blades after the girls that were holding me down.

Just as I was about to get up I felt something smash against my head resulting in me staying on the ground. My head hurts a lot now, then I relaized there was another girl hiding around the corner. She was probably there incase something went wrong. The other three girls recovered adn three of them pinned me down again.

With how hard I was hit over the head, I'm struggling to stay concious. The girl with the blonde hair and red tips statred to kick and punch me as I wsa losing conciousness. One last idea came to my mind, I released as much bloodlust as I possiblly could. Out of everyone, Killua should be able to sense my bloodlust and know that it's me.

Just before I lost conciousness I could hear several people running towards us. Then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed hooked up to several different machines. I looked up and saw my brother sleeping in a chair by my bed with huge bags under his eyes. Then, all the memories started to flood into my mind. Me walking to school with Killua and Gon. Me getting a note telling me to meet someone behind the school. Me getting beat up my envyious girls.

I looked down at my arms seeing them covered in bruises. Then I heard Hisoka hum slightly as he woke up. The second he saw me sitting up he rushed over to me. "Are you ok?" he immediately asked. I nodded my head. I kinda have a headache and my limbs kinda hurt but Hisoka is worried enough so he doesn't need to know that.

"How long was I out for?" I questioned. "Three days." Hisoka replied looking extremely guilty. Before either of us could ingage in any more conversation, Killua burted through the door. "Who saved me by the way?" I asked looking at both of them. "Ki-" "Gon did." Killua interupted Hisoka. I found this very suspicious but I tried to not pay to much mind to it.

Then Gon came running in along with Kurapika and Leorio. "Are you ok?" Gon asked rushing to my side. I nodded and shifted my gaze to Killua. Why was Hisoka about to say that Killua saved me but Killua said it was Gon. That's odd.

1,000 words

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