Truth or Dare Part 1(Chapter 3)

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Thank god I took the exam a year before them. "I know who he his already." I mumbled. Gon had a puzzled expression on his face but I was too scared to look up at him or explain anything so I just kept my head down and ate my food.

"What does she mean?" Gon asked, his voice laced with curiousity. "Can I tell him?" Killua whispered in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. I was too scared to say anything so I just nodded my head. "So I already told you about me being an ex assassin, well last time I chacked Y/N was an assassin as well. Our families were very close so once a year our families would meet up and I would hang out with Y/N. When we were about 8 she stopped coming, so I haven't seen her since." Killua explained. Gon looked shocked.

Then 2 more boys came over to the table. One of them had shoulder length blonde hair and greyish eyes, he was absolutely gorgeous. The other guy was very tall and had short black hair. There were glasses resting on the edge of his nose, to be honest he looks really old. "Hello, I'm Kurapika and this is Leorio." the gorgeous one introduced.

"Hi." I mumbled. They all seemed really nice but theres is a lot of people, more than I'm used to. "Your kinda quiet for an assassin ya know." Killua teased. Before he even knew what was happening I had one of my nen blades held to his throat. "Actions speak louder than words." I retorted before making my blade dissapear.

"I like her, she's fiesty." Leorio commented. Kurapika hummed in agreement and Gon just chuckled. "If we were in a real fight I would win." Killua scoffed. "Even if she's an assassin." he continued.

I continued to eat but I had a nen blade apear at his throat. "Ex assassin. When I was 11 I ran away and took the Hunter Exam. Not to long after I moved to YorkNew and started to live with my older brother." I corrected and made my blade dissapear again. Killua looked really confused. "Your older brother is dead though." he said confused. "Oh ya, I didn't tell you. Hisoka faked his death and left clues that only I could find so after I ran away I could live with him." I explained.

Now everyone at the table was looking at me wide eyed. "Hisoka?!" the all exclaimed in unison. "You know him?" I questioned. "He took the exam at the same time as us. He is a perverted, pedophilic, sadist." Killua complained. "Yup sounds like my big bro. Also Killua didn't you already know?" I asked confused.

"I knew you had a dead older brother that's it." Killua replied. "Hey why don't we hang out after school?" Gon suggested. "Sure, my house?" I replied. "I'm busy." Leorio answered. Everyone else looked kinda torn until they all agreed. "Hey Y/N we should exchange numbers." Gon said taking out his phone. I nodded and got out my own. Just after I unlocked it, it was ripped from my clutch.

Killua was sitting there putting his number in my phone. "You could've asked next time ya know." I complained. A smirk appeared on Killua's face as he said "Ya but this way I'm in there first and I get to choose my contact name." he added a wink at the end making my heart flutter my I refused to show it on my face.

I was also kinda confused. When I looked down at his contact I froze. Killua put him in my phone as 'Future Husband❤️😘🥰😍'. "I thought when you said that when we were kids you were joking." I was so confused. When we were little Killua always joked about us getting married, at least I thought he was joking.

"Your parents never told you?" he chuckled which just confused me more. "Told me what?" By now everyone at the table was very intreaged and they have all taken my phone and put their numbers in. "Our parents set us up for an arranged marrige. That's why we saw each other once a year." he answered. 'What. The. Fuck.' Before I could reply the bell rang signaling us to go to our next class.

We all took care of our trash and headed to class.

Time skip brought to you by Killua singing the 'line without a hook' song

My first day of school was finally over so I was walking home with Kurapika, Gon, and Killua. It was a fairly short walk back to my house. When I walked in Hisoka was in the kitchen making dinner. "You didn't tell me we were going to have guests." Hisoka said looking at me. "Sorry big bro, anyway we'll be in my room text me when dinner is ready."

Hisoka nodded and I walked up the stairs to my room with them trailing behind me. We all sat in a circle on the floor. "So what do you want to do?" I asled looking at each of them. "Truth or dare?" Killua suggested. I wasn't too sure about it but I didn't have a better idea so I agreed.

"Truth or Dare Gon?" Killua asked with a huge smirk on his face. The poor, innocent, foolish Gon confidently replied with "Dare!" Killua's smirk grew as he said "I dare you to go downstairs, hug Hisoka, and run back up here." I feel really bad for Gon but he was foolish to choose dare. Gon gulped and slowly walked out of my room and downstairs.

A few about 20 seconds I heard Gon running back up the stairs. Gon sat back down but he looked mortified. "Truth or Dare, Kurapika?" Gon asked. Kurapika thought for a second then answered "Truth." Gon thought about a question for a second then said "What was your first inpression of Y/N?"
"Well she is very pretty. At first I thought she was very shy and quiet but now I'm guessing that's just how she acts around new people. Also I have to get home"

I could sense some blood lust but it was too strong to desphier where it was coming from. Gon seems to sweet to produce bloodlust like that and Kurapika seems fine. That only leaves Killua. Kurapika got up and left so I decided to take over his turn. "Truth or dare Killua?" I asked turning my attention towrds him. "Truth." he answered. I didn't really have anything in mind till the perfect question came up.

"You said that our parents were going to have us get married but I ran away from mine and I'm guessing you did to. So that would mean we wouldn't get married anymore, right?" That question had been ringing through my head during all my afternoon classes.

A grin appeared on Killua's face and he replied "That just means that when we get married it will just be a normal marrige and not an arranged marrige."
I felt heat rush to my cheeks but I tried to supress it.

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