Out of the House (Chapter 13)

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It's been about a week since the party and I've barely left my bed. The only time I do is when Hisoka makes me go downstairs to eat or when I have to go to the bathroom. Hisoka can't even get me to go to school or talk to anyone. I've blocked everyone's number other than Hisoka's.

Since I've spent all my time watching Naruto I finished it yesterday. (I haven't finsihed it, there's SO MANY EPISODES)
Earlier today I started watching Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun and the show is amazing! To be honest I low-key am a Hanako Kinnie. Since the show is only twelve episodes long it can be finsihed within about half a day.

Since I have nothing better to do with my life I made a list of animes that I'm going to watch in order.

(Yes I actually made a list just for the fan fic)

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(Yes I actually made a list just for the fan fic)

I finished Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun and was about to start watching Attack on Titan since I already am in love with Levi. Sadly Kurapika walked in the room. "Hey Y/N." He greeted as he cautiously walked over to my bed. I paused the first episode of Attack on Titan so I wouldn't miss any of it while Kurapika talked.

"You haven't been at school for a week and my messages to you weren't going through so I'm guessing you blocked me, Leorio, Gon, and um...him. My eyes windened when he said that last part. My mind had unconsiously tried to lock away what happened that night and lock away Killua in general. (This actually happens to me. Whenever soemthing bad happens to me like emotionally, I tend to forgot or have bad memory of the negetive events)

"Can you atleast start coming to school again, if you keep missing school you won't pass this grade. Maybe even unblock us..." he suggested and sat on the edge of my bed.  "No." was all I said. It felt weird talking. I hadn't said anything to anyone in a while, not even Hisoka. Whenever Hisoka made me go downstairs for meals I wouldn't say anything to him.

The only time I even spoke in general was when I mumbled the words to the intros to the animes I was watching. "Y/N somethings weird with Killua..." Kurapika started which kinda peeked my attention. I directed my attention to Kurapika and listened to him. "He uh. He's locked himself in his room. When Gon tried to get in through the window Killua hit Gon on the neck to knock him out. Then he put Gon on the floor in the hallway outside his room." Kurapika explained.

What? That doesn't even make any sense...

"Why." I asked though it didn't really sound like a question. "To be honest we don't really know. My guess is that it's because you haven't talked to him or interacted him him in any way in a week. I mean, you've known each other your whole lives." he answered.

"So why are you coming here and telling me this?" I asked. Sadness flickered in his eyes as he said, "You used to be an assassin like him. You've known him the longest. You can get into his room without getting knocked out. He hasn't talked to anyone or eaten anything in a week." he explained. I felt tears prick in the corners of my eyes but didn't let them fall.

"I'll try to do something just give me a few minutes to get ready." I said which made a small smile appear on Kurapika's face. Kurapika left the room and shut the door behind him. Great...now I have to get up. I got up and threw on a pair of leggings and a huge hoodie that went down to my mid thigh. To be honest I haven't showered at all since the party and my hair feels gross. Kurapikas waiting for me but I need to shower.

I quickly showered in like five minutes and put the leggings and hoodie back on along with a pair of sneakers My hair was still wet so I didn't feel like doing anything with it. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room. Kurapika wasn't there so I went downstairs and saw him sitting on the couch. "You ready?" he asked looking up at me. I nodded and we left.

The walk was short and neither of us said a thing the whole time. When the house came into view I felt a knot form in my stomach. Out of anxiety I grabbed Kurapika's hand which didn't seem to bother him. We walked into the house and up the stairs to Killua's room. "This is as far as I go..." Kurapika said and gave my hand a light sqeeze before letting go and walking away. I took a deep breath and turned the knob to his door.

Killua was sitting on his bed staring off into space wearing only a pair of shorts. I was thankful that the door was actually unlocked but after waht happened to Gon I don't think anyone else dared to come in here and Killua knew that so he didn't bother locking the door. Killua's instincts are way to good to not realize I was in here meaning that he was just ignoring me.

Hesitantly, I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bed, not caring that he lacked a shirt. I rested my head on his shoulder not really wanting to start the conversation. Killua's shoulders went up and down as he breathed though it didn't seem like he was gonna say anything.

"Why did you lock yourself up in here for a week?" I asked breaking the awkward silence that had formed. Killua stayed silent for a few minutes then replied "Why did you lock yourself in your room for a week?"

"Believe it or not I had a reason. A solid reason, I may think it's a dumb one but I had one. Heck I don't even understand it, I can't explain it to someone else." I answered. "Now can you answer my question?" I asked. "Someone I thought I was friends with me started to ignore me for no good reason, won't tell me why, and wouldn't even look in my direction." he explained causing me to feel like I had just been stabbed in the heart.

"Maybe your friend saw something she shouldn't have been effected by but she was." I suggested. "Like what?" he questioned dumbfounded. "Someone kissing someone." I replied but regreted it the second the words left my mouth...

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