Killua?! (Chapter 2)

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"Good Morning!" My brother called from the side of my bed waking me up. "Morning big bro." I mumbled streching my arms. "I have breakfast ready downstairs." he informed me then left. I groaned and sat up in bed. I was still in my outfit from yesterday which wasn't very comfertable to sleep in. Hisoka probably wouldn't mind if I stole his clothes though.

I got out of bed and went into Hisoka's room to steal a shirt. His dresser was always overly organized, I grabbed a plain black shirt and went back to my room. There was a few things still in my bag that I took with me when I ran away including some pairs or shorts. I rabbed a pair of black shorts and slipped them on along with the shirt I took from Hisoka.

My hair still needs to be brushed so I walked into the bathroom ran a brush through it and put it up into a messy bun. The smell of pancakes filled my nose and I immediately ran downstairs. Hisoka was setting 2 plates full of pancakes on the table. It smelled amazing. Hisoka looked at me then sat down and started eating. "Nice shirt." he commented as I sat down next to him. "Thanks, I got it from a clown." I retorted as I started to eat my pancakes. Hisoka just rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"Oh by the way, I plan on taking the Hunter Exam next year since you did, was it fun?" he question. I swallowed the food that was in my mouth, "Not really, it was super easy." I answered. He nodded by didn't say anything.

Le times skip brought to you by Hisoka being a softie around you

I'm 15 now, Hisoka passed the Hunter Exam when he took it and when he came back home we threw a little party. It was obvious he was going to pass but he was gone for a bit and I missed him. Plus it's an exuse to celebrate. We got a letter the other day saying that I got invited to Hunter High. Looks like the rumors I heard about a few years ago were true.

School starts tommorow and I'm kinda nervous, ok maybe I'm really nervous. The only people I've ever been around are my family and the Zoldyck's. I can't even imagine being in a school full of people. The whole situation gives me a lot of anxity so I try to not think about it. It took me a solid 2 hours with Hisoka's help to pick an outfit for tomorrow. We settled on a plaid yellowish skirt and a black long sleve shirt.

If you don't like the outfit you can just imagine it as something else

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If you don't like the outfit you can just imagine it as something else

Hisoka was a bit overprotective with me wearing a skirt but after a while I convinced him. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.

"Wake up! First day of School!!!" Hisoka announced while walking into my room. I groaned, "five more minutes." I mumbled rolling over and shoving my face into my pillow. "Nope." Hisoka said as he walked over to me, picked me up, then dropped me on the ground. "Asshole." I mumbled while getting up. "Come on, school starts in an hour." he said walking out. Wait! An hour?! I ran downstairs and quickly ate the plate of eggs Hisoka made for me.

I ran back up stairs and went into the bathroom. Even if I wanted to, I don't have time to shower but I showered yesterday so I should be fine. I quickly brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. My clothes were still in my room so I ran in there and quickly sliped on the outfit that I picked out. Slowly I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.

Skirts aren't really my thing but I love this outfit so much. I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs. Hisoka was sitting at the table waiting for me to finish getting ready. "Come on lets go." Hisoka said leading me out the door and to his car. Hisoka got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger seat. Hunter High is only like 10 minutes away from our house so I should get there in time.


Hisoka pulled up to Hunter High. "Are you ready?" he asked. My hands were already sweaty and I had a sick feeling in my stomach. "Eh." I responded not really sure what to say. I'm great a killing people, but I'm not so great at interacting with them.

I slowly got out of the car and walked into the school, it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be though. My homeroom teacher is Mr. Ito in room #234. I walked through the hallways till I reached the room. Anxiety was rising in me but despite that I walked in. There was only a few kids in there, the teacher isn't even here yet.

I'm not the biggest fan of people and I am not looking forward to interacting with so I just took a seat in the back of the room next to a white haired boy. He had breathtaking blue cat-like eyes and he was wearing knee length shorts and a long sleeve blue turtle neck shirt with a short sleeve V- neck short over it. Not gonna lie he is very good looking. He also looks a lot like Killua.

There's no chance that it's him though, right. I snapped out of my thoughts as more kids started to fill the classroom along with the teacher. Mr. Ito started to do attendance, I wasn't really paying attentio till he got to my name and I said "here." I still wasn't paying attention until my heart stopped when he said "Zoldyck, Killua." and the boy next to me said "present." Killua hasn't looked at me at all yet and I'm kind thankful for it, god that would be so awkward.


The entire day I have avoided Killua he hasn't tried to get my attention yet but I don't want him to so I supose that's a good thing. It was now lunch time and everone started heading to the cafateria. I wasn't really hungry but I don't have anything better to do so I went anyway. The lunch line was kinda long but I don't really care.

Once I got my lunch I realized that there weren't any tables that were empty, which ment I would either have to sit with someone I don't know or I would have to eat in the bathroom. Accually eating in the bathroom sounds kinda good right about now. Before I was anywhere near walking out of the room I heard someone call my name.

I looked towards where the voice came from and saw someone who was in my homeroom calling me over to sit with them. I think his name was Gon? He has black hair and huge brown eyes. To be honest Gon looks like a major softie, how the heck did he pass the hunter exam? Reguardless of my thoughts I walked over to him and sat down.

"Hi, I'm in your class! My names Gon!" he introduced himself with a hug smile on his face. "Hey. I'm Y/N, though I guess you already know that." I said shyly. I heard footsteps coming from behind me and someone took a seat next to me  but I was too scared to see who it was. "Oh, and this is my best friend Killua. I met him when we took there Hunter Exam when we were 12." Gon explained.

Thank god I took the exam a year before them. "I know who he his already." I mumbled. Gon had a puzzled expression on his face but I was too scared to look up at him or explain anything so I just kept my head down and ate my food.

1339 words

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