Party (Chapter 11)

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R/N means Random name


" up is L/N and Zoldyck's project on Panda.." Biskey announced as the two kids that just finished presenting their project walked back to their seats. Killua and I exchanged glances and walked up to the front of the room and Biskey got our google slides project on the board.

Time skip cause ya'll probably don't wanna learn about pandas

"The project wasn't that bad." Biskey remarked. I'm guessing she said that since she kinda likes me but isn't the biggest fan of Killua. "Next up is Gon and R/N." Biskey said as Killua and I walked back to our seats. There wasn't really a point in paying attention so I just got lost in my thoughts.

"Hey you okay?" Killua asked breaking me out of my thoughts. "Ya, why?" I asked looking towards him. "You were kinda shaking during the presentation and your not paying attention." he explained. "Oh ya, I'm fine. Just a little tired." I lied. I didn't notice I was shaking when we were presenting our project but I suppose it makes sense. Growing up I was an assassin so I was only around my family, the Zoldyck's, and my victims.

Not being around people a lot growing up resulted in me getting anxious around new people. Killua nodded but it didn't look like he really believed me.

Time skip to saturday.

I groaned as I rolled over in my bed. It was like 5am when I went to bed last night cause I was busy watching anime. My phone was ringing on my nightstand so I grabbed it.

underlined in the person calling and bold is you


Killua why are you up this early?

Early? Baka it's like 4 in the afternoon

Oh, I guess you're right
anyway, why'd you call?

There's a party that Gon is
making us go to
were walking there together
we'll be at your house around
6 so you have 2 hours

ok, see you later


We both hung up. I don't really want to go to a party but I guess there's no going back now. I got up took a showerm brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and dried it. I've never been to a party but I don't really feel like wearing anything different from what I usually do.

This is the outfit I chose just cause that's my style but ya'll can picture something else if you don't like it

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This is the outfit I chose just cause that's my style but ya'll can picture something else if you don't like it.

By now it was 5:55 and I realized I didn't tell Hisoka. He shouldn't care as long as Killua or Gon is by me the whole time. "Hey Hisoka." I greeted as I walked down the stairs and went into the living room. "Hey, where are you going?" he asked looking away from the tv.

"I'm going to hand out with Killua and Gon...." I said which wasn't a complete lie. Hisoka looked a little suspicious of me. " a party." I continued and avoided eye contact with him. "Fine you can go just make sure that you're always next to one of your friends. Well maybe not the one that looks old but the other three are good." he ordered.

Just as Hisoka finsihed his sentence I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and someone knocked on the door. I walked over to it and Hisoka was trailing behind me. When I opened the door Gon, Killua, Kuapika, and Leorio were standing there.

Leorio and Kurapika were wearing the same thing they always wear but Killua and Gon were both wearing jeans and a tight fitting tank top. The only difference between their outfir was that Gon also had a jean jacket on which Killua didn't.

"Don't bring her home too late and one of your boys always has to be with her. Other than you old man." Hisoka told them letting out his bloodlust. The four boys sweat dropped and agressively shook their heads up and down. I giggled at the boys' reaction and stepped out of the house and Hisoka shut the door.

"He's not that scary guys chill." I said as they were still frozen in their spots. They all looked over at me like I was crazy. "How do you live with him?" Leorio asked being the first one of the four to speak. "It's much better then where I used to live. Plus he can cook." I answered as we started walking.

"I highly doubt that living with him is better." Leorio remarked. Now it was Gon's and Killua's turn to speak. "Trust me living with Hisoka is better!" they both said in unison shocking Leorio. "Stop it guys." Mamapika- I mean Kurapika cut in.

Leorio sighed in annoyance and I rolled my eyes at Leorio's reaction. "Who's party is it anyway?" I asked breaking the silence that had barely lasted. "I don't know, some girl walked up to Killua and invited him." Gon stated as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

I rolled my eyes knowing the the 'girl' that invited him was probably one of his stuck up fan girls. We walked in silence after that until we arrived at the house. The closer we got the louder the music was. The house was pretty big but a little smaller than Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio's house.

"Why did we even come again?" I wondered as I looked around at all the teenagers dancing and drinking. "In my defence Gon made me say yes to the girl that I would come. I don't want to be here either." Killua clairified. "It would've been mean to decline!" Gon defended as I laughed at their childish behavior.

We walked through the crowds and we were stopped by a girl as we walked into the kitchen. The girl was Emily. (The main girl that beat you up and the girl you thought was dating Killua.) "Great." I whispered under my breath annoyed.

"Hey Killy!" she greeted shoving me out of the way to get to 'Killy'. Honestly, worse nickname ever and your could tell by the look on Killua's face that he was thinking the same thing. "Sup." he replied in a bored tone. "Wanna hand out with me and a few of my friends?" she asked grabbed his arm leading him away before he could even respond.

I looked over to Kurapika and Gon, Leorio was nowhere to be found. My guess is he either went to get alcohol or to attempt at flirting with a girl. "Well, what are we gonna do now?" I inquired looking at Gon and Kurapika.

1105 words

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