Kidnapped (Chapter 8)

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When I woke up I was in the basement of my old house. My hands were chained up and I had a really bad migrane. When I looked down I was wearing the same clothes as earlier but they were so battered and torn up that they were barley recognizable. I haven't been here in so feels so foreign. Just then my mother strut into the room and I felt a ball of anxiety well up in me.

As always there was a whip attached to her hip and was wearing a fancy dress like the ones she always tried to get be in. Growing up if I did something wrong she would whip me in the blink of an eye. Before my mind could even regester what was happening I felt the whip slap against me with a loud noise. I flinched but fought back any other reaction that might've come from me.

As the beatings continued I started to get used to my surroundings and being back home. After awhile she stopped and just left. Depending on how long I've been knocked out my guess is that I'm going to get beaten like that with no other interaction for a few days and with no food or water. Even though I was probably out for a while I'm still pretty tired and have nothing better to do so I guess I'll try to sleep.

Killua's POV

It's been a few days since I've talked to Y/N and she isn't responding to my texts or going to school. Right now I was walking to her house with Gon to try and figure this out. When we arrived there were loud noises that could be heard from outside. Gon and I exchanghed glances as I knocked on the door. The door was angerily swung open older brother?

Illumi was standing infront of us with the same old stotic expression plastered across his face. Gon and I walked in cautiusly seeing Hisoka also standing there but with large dark spots underneath his eyes. "Gon and i just came here to check up on Y/N cause we haven't seen her lately." I explained. Hisoka looked up at us and said "I wish I knew how she was. Your dear old brother over there got payed to take her back home." Hisoka gave Illumi a terrifying side glance as he said the last part.

"Wait, home as in..home home?!" I asked now worried. Hisoka slowly nodded his head yes and I felt worry and anger filling up in me but when I looked back over at Illumi he was gone. I swear to god if I ever see hom again he's dead. "Where is the house? Were going to get her back." Gon said firmly. Hisoka walked over to a drawer pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

He scribbled down the adress and handed me the paper. "It's very hard to get in the house without getting caught so be careful. If I could I would go with you but they all think I'm dead so I can't risk it." he informed us. Gon and I nodded and headed off to find Y/N.

It might take a while to get there but I don't care how long it takes, I will find her. Gon and I set off to the place. "Hey Gon can you get on my back, I'm gonna use my godspeed to get there faster." I mentioned and Gon quickly got on my back. Without wasting a second I activated my godspeed heading to
Y/N's house.

After about ten minutes we arrived and Gon got off my back. The mansion was bigger than I expected and it was so different from mine. My house gives off an eree vibe and is kinda dark. Y/N's house feels fancy. Gon and I knocked out the few guards that were at the entrence and walked in. Once we stepped past the gate a bunch of guns pointed towards us.

Your POV

I'd been here for a few days and everything has gone excatly the way I thought it would. I could hear some yelling upstairs but I just figured it was my mother complaining about something small and brushed it off. Then I heard others yelling and men outside the door to the room I was in grunting. Now I was exetremely confused and broke my hands out of the chains that were holding them with only slight effort.

I walked over to the door cautiously as it swung open taking me aback. Killua was standing at the door with his nails sharpened and his hair and clothes were a mess. His chest was moving up and down quickly and he looked completely worn out. I quickly ran over to him and jumped in his arms. Killua's hands were tightly snagged around my waist and it felt like he would never let go and if I'm telling the truth..I didn't want him to.

As much as I didn't want it to happen, Killua and I pulled apart once Gon came running towards us. When Gon's eyes landed on me they went wide and he engulfed me in a hug. We pulled apart and I looked back at Killua. "Why are you guys here?" I asked wondering why they saved me. Killua looked confused then hit me on the back of my head. "Because we care about you, BAKA."

A small smile crept upon my face and we started to walk out of the basement and into the main area's of the house. There were a bunch of My mother's guards scattered around the floor beaten up which made my smile significantly grow. Then we turned a corner and I saw my mother on the floor causing a laugh to slip out of my mouth.

My mother looked up and me with fire in her eyes but before she could get up and lunge at me I chopped her neck, knocking her out. Without having any  other people or guards to encounter we left the house and walked back.

1030 words
I posted late sorry.

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