Project (Chapter 10)

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I don't know what day it is, pretend it's Monday/ the day after Killua woke up at your house and ya'll ate together


We had class right now though I wasn't really paying attention till I heard her mention a project. My eyes snapped to the front of the classroom as she started to explain the group project. Apparently we were in groups of two and we were each assigned an animal.

The teacher started to read off the groups along with the animal that we had to research. I didn't really care who I got as long as it wasn't one of Killua's fan girls. I stopped was I was doing and completely paid attention when she said my name.

It felt like years had passed before she had said my partner's name. "and....Zoldyck, your animal is panda." she said. I don't know if this is good or bad, I mean, I would've preferred Gon. This is better than getting one of Killua's fan girls though so I suppose this is a win?

I looked over to Killua to see how he took this information. His expression was nothing like I had thought. Killua looked happy? He had a smile plastered across his face and I swear to god I saw a hint of pink spread across his face, but that's impossible. Right?

I got out my chromebook like all the other kids who already got their partner and animal. Panda seems like a pretty simple animal that should be fairly easy to research. The google classroom should have topics for each of the google slides so I checked that first.

The school day ended and I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. When I took it out I saw that I got a text from Killua.

Future Husband❤️😘🥰😍:

Hey, do you want to come
over to my house after school
to work on the project?


Sure but I need to go to
my house first.

Future Husband❤️😘🥰😍:

Okay, here's the address


Thanks! See you later

I made a mental note to tell Hisoka about going over to Killua's house before I leave. Ever since I got kidnapped and brought back to my old house Hisoka has been very over protective. Now whenever I go anywhere other than school I have to tell Hisoka and not just through a phone. I had been walking home and I finally reached my house

When I opened the door I saw Hisoka sitting there at the dining room table on his phone. "Hey big bro." I greeted as I walked in. "Hey sis." he replied looking up from his phone. "I'm gonna head over to Killua's house to work on a school project." I informed him scared of what his answer might be.

"Fine but be home by 8 and have him walk you back. Have fun and be safe." he responded. "Thank you!" i thanked him and quickly left the house again heading off to Killua's. The walk was no longer than 10 minutes and the house was pretty big even if he is an ex assassin. This huge place for one person is a bit much.

When I knocked on the door Gon opened it which shocked me. "Uh, hey Gon. Is Killua here?" I asked as I stepped into the house shutting the door behind me. "Uh ya he's taking a shower right noow, I'll lead you to his room." he answered and I nodded in reply.

Gon led me up the stairs to a doorn labled 'Killua'. I opened the door and walked in and Gon left. Since Killua was in the shower I should started the project now. Five minutes passed and I heard the bathroom door open. "Hey Ki-" I stopped talking in the middle of my sentence once I looked up.

Killua was standing there in nothing but a towel and his hair was wet a sticking to the sides of his face as droplets of water ran down his perfectly toned chest. "Hey Y/N." he greeted perfectly calm as if he wasn't standing infront of me half naked.

"H-h-hey K-killua." I mentally slapped myself for stuttering but damn look at him. "What's wrong? Something distacting you." he teased as a smirk made it's way across his face and he walked over to me. "W-what n-no." I replied as my cheecks burned a deep crimson red. Now Killua's face was only a few inches from mine as I started to lean back on his bed to create some didn't work.

Whenever I leaned back Killua would just lean forward until I ended up collapsing on the bed with him hovering over me. Killua leaned his head down to the side of my face so his mouth was right next to my ear. I could feel his hot breath trickling my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine. "We shouls get working on the project." he breathed and then chuckled afterwards casuing my stomach to do backflips.

Killua got off me and walked over to his dresser and pulling his clothes out. Shamelessly he got dressed infront of me but I closed my eyes during the time that his towel was off. I continued to work on the project trying to distract myself from what just happened as I felt my cheeks cool down.

"Ready to work?" Killua questioned as he took a seat next to me on the bed thankfully wearing clothes this time. Killua wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a tights black tank top that showed his muscles. I nodded and kept working on the project refusing to make eye contact with him though I could feel him staring at me several times.

A few hours later we finished the project but I was absolutly exhausted. "Oh Killua, I forgot to ask about something." I mentioned causing him to look at me. "Why was Gon the one that answered the door when I came here. Are ya'll living together or something?" I asked the question that was on my mind when I first got here.

"Oh ya, I live with Gon, Kurapika, and the old man." he answered and rested his head on my shoulder. "Okay well I should get going now." I said since it was already 7:50. "Okay I'll walk you home." he stated as we got up and headed to his door. Usually I would complain about him walking me but Hisoka said that he had to so I don't have much of a choice even if Killua doesn't know.

Killua and I left and the walk back to my house was silent but not the awkward kind the calm, comfortable kind. When we reached my house I opened the door to find Hisoka in the same spot he was in when I left. "I said to be home by's 8:02." he stated looking up at us- well Killua with bloolust. "I suggest you run." I whispered to him which he nodded to and quickly left.

1196 words

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