Confrontation (Chapter 7)

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Another day of school and another day of avoiding Killua. Even though Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio had nothing to do with this I still stayed away from them as well. It's been a week since I heard the girls talking in the bathroom. At first when I started telling Hisoka I didn't want dinner he didn't think much of it but after a while he's gotten more and more suspicious. I don't really get hungry andmore. Once again it's lunch time and I was walking to the girls bathroom.

I was almost there when I started to sense a very familiar aura. It sounded like someone was running through the hallways and getting closer and closer to me. Without a second thought I took off running to the girls bathroom. I was a few feet from the door when a figure quickly zoomed infront of me blocking me from the door. Killua.

"You've been avoiding me and everyone else." he said sounding mad. There was about a foot of space between us which was closer than I wanted. "I've just b-been busy lately. Don't t-think too m-much of it." I responded as a trickle of sweat ran down my forehead. "That's a lie. Also you haven't eaten lunch in a week." he said taking a step towards me.

I took a step back, "I don't know w-what your t-talking about, I eat l-lunch every d-day." I lied again. "Your walking to the bathroom, during lunch without a lunch that was made at home. You haven't been it the lunch room either meaning you didn't get school lunch and you spend the lunch period in the bathroom." he explained taking more steps towards me.

I kept backing up until I felt my back hit the cold wall. "You also haven't been eating at home. I texted Hisoka and he confirmed that." he said with only a few inches between us. "First of all, you have no right to text my brother. Second of all, none of this is any of your business!" I snapped back trying to push him away from me.

"How is this not my business?!" he asked rasing his voice at me causing tears to prick in the corners of my eyes. "How about you worry about your friends or your girlfriend instead of me!" I yelled back at him sucessfully pushing him off this time. "First of all I thought you were my friend! Second of all sorry to burst you bubble but I don't have a girlfriend!" he replied.

Wait, what?! "A week ago I heard two girls talking in the bathroom about you and Emily dating!" I yelled immediately regretting it. Saying that makes me sound like a crazy jealous ex. Anger faded off of Killua features, now he just looked confused. "Emily is just another one of the girls that follow me around like a lost puppy. I've barely ever even talked to her." he explained.

Despite all the yelling that happened and this arguement, I felt relieved. Now I look like an idiot though cause I have nothing to say to that so I decided to change the subject. "I don't have a choice. I have to ignore you." I said switching topics. "What do you mean? Does this have something to do with you getting beat up? Who did beat you up by the way?" he inquired.

"I got beat up by four girls at the school. One of them left a note on my desk saying to meet them behind the school. At the time I didn't think anything of it but when I got there they threatened me to stay away from you and beat me up. There's your explaination, happy now?!" I explained, annoyed. "Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and I can protect you though so you didn't have to give in. And that still leaves one thing that you didn't answer." the seocnd he said that I felt fear building up in me.

Everything else I could tolerate talking about but this. This is a no go. Almost as if the world read my mind the bell rung signaling it's time to go to our next class. Before Killua could stop me, I ran off to our next class.

Throughout the rest of the day I tried to pay attention in class but I just couldn't. I started to get distracted easily and somehow my mind would always end back up at Killua. The last bell for the day rang so I quickly packed my bag and left the classroom. Killua won't stop bothering me until he gets his answers. To make matters worse Hisoka is probably gonna talk to me about this too once I get home.

I started to walk home taking the longest way possible by going through allys and stuff. When I walked down one of them I started to get a bad feeling but before I could react a cloth was placed over my mouth and I blacked out.

835 words

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