Final word from our librarian

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Hello again, how was the read? Did you binge it or did you read one chapter per day? Well either way you made it to the end, so thank you so much for reading this prologue.

I don't know if it's noticeable to a large degree, but because I spent a long time on this my writing style changed over the course of the story's making. I assure you I'll try to more consistent for future volumes, if there are any.


Ok so a little bit of trivia for the story:

- So first thing is that both Sheik's and Luna's weapons aren't named in the story because I don't have good names for them. For Sheik I only have Agony but I don't know what to name the other shuriken. Luna is just not there.

If you guys have good names then drop them in the comments and I'll read through them to pick if any are super amazing.

- Next one, Sheik's outfit is also not described in the story apart from his weaponsmith's outfit. This will be revealed in vol 1, hopefully.

Also if you're wondering why he's called a weaponsmith and not a blacksmith, there's not logic behind it, I just wanted to call him that because blacksmithing is all around type of crafter for me.

- So there are bits that have been cut or edited, kinda like bloopers or deleted scenes.

One of those were Sheik's fights, those went through drastic changes before I settled  on not showing any at all. In fact there was actually fight scene between him and the grimm woman but I cut it out.

I also cut out the part where the main antagonist(s) are teased/ shown because I thought it was too much for a prologue. They were replaced by the grimm woman and Null.

The troll was a last minute addition, it was only suppose to be the ogre.

Sheik did originally have a semblance, scrapped the idea after I realised I don't need two talented people with cool semblances.

The original title of the book was longer: Remnant's tales of Angels and Demons. 

I changed the title since I don't how to incorporate angels and demons properly into the story. I might use it one day though.

- Finally Sheik was suppose to wield a katana as his primary weapon but changed it to the gravity dust powered shurikens cause I thought I was being too lazy not coming up with a weapon that suited the technology of Remnant.

Luna's separated because she prefers fighting traditionally, more on that in future volumes. If it goes well enough for me to make them that is.


Ok I think that's it. I'd like to thank you all for reading this book, if you did. I really appreciate you all sacrificing some of your time to read this, and if you guys enjoyed it then I might create yet another volume.

If you want you can all drop a comment, review, question, whatever and I'll most likely read it and reply to it. Positive or negative, everything is welcome.

Once again thank you all for reading War in Remnant Vol 0, it has been fun writing this, I hope you guys had fun reading it. Maybe you guys can check out other books in the library (if there are any worth reading.)

Anyways that's all from me. Goodbye :)

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