Chapter 3 - The Weaponsmith pt II

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After the unexpected reunion, everyone made proper introductions with one another. The students then found out that Sheik was actually Luna's older twin. This obviously made everyone jump to the conclusion that Sheik was there as another transfer student; unfortunately for them he wasn't.

"Wait you're not a student here?" Blake asked for confirmation.

"Yep," the boy answered. "So anyways, why are you all here?"

"Oh right." Jaune then walked up to Sheik and showed him his equipment. "I was hoping to get these things fixed up."

Sheik took the armour from it's owner before looking at the many dents the breastplate had gotten. Meanwhile, Jaune continued to babble how the weaponsmith wasn't around so they couldn't get the armour fixed at that very moment.

The black haired boy glanced upwards at Jaune before he turned his gaze at his sister, who was silently giggling to herself, then to professor Ozpin who just stood there with an amused smile. Returning his attention back to Jaune's equipment, he saw that the boy needed the repairs as soon as possible.

Sighing to himself, Sheik placed the gear on the workbench, then went on to tell Jaune to leave the equipment with him.

"Huh? Shouldn't we wait for the weaponsmith?" asked a nervous Jaune.

"Don't worry about that for now," Emir answered. "Now then, have you ever done maintenance on these things on your own?"

Taken aback by the sudden question, Jaune first took a quick look at his teammates who just shrugged at him. He returned his attention back at Sheik, and thought there was nothing wrong with answering his question.

"I have but not very well."

"I see," acknowledged the raven haired boy.

As his eyes traced the many cracks that ran along the old blade, Sheik also placed a finger between the cracks and noticed that the blade was made with cast iron.

"Such poor craftsmanship. For it to have lasted this long." Sheik thought.

The boy then glanced back at Jaune, who was too engrossed with his discussion with his team that he didn't notice Sheik staring at him. "He's done well."

With a small smile on his face, Sheik called out to Jaune to inform him that the weaponsmith would be more than happy to patch up his things and even better, at a lower price than most repair shops. Elated by this, Jaune quickly zipped to Sheik's side, grabbed his hands, and asked him if the weaponsmith would really repair his things for a cheaper price.

Sheik gave him a tiny smile and a nod. "Of course I would Jaune, don't want you getting eaten by an Ursa now do we?"

It took a moment for the information to process through the students' heads. But when it did, their eyes popped out of their sockets and jaws plummeted to the floor.

"What?!" they all marvelled in unison.

Jaune was the first to speak up, albeit stuttering from shock. "You-you're the weaponsmith?"

Sheik couldn't help but giggle at the others before confirming that he was indeed the school's new weaponsmith, though this did raise some questions as to why he was a weaponsmith despite being so young. Luckily for the students Sheik was clearly used to being questioned, so he automatically informed them that he's been trained in being a weaponsmith since he was young.

Seeing that they weren't going to get anywhere, since the students just couldn't seem to comprehend the idea of a young weaponsmith, Luna told the others that she will answer any question they had, so they should focus on the reason while they were there in the first place.

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