Chapter 4 - A Dancing Blade

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Team RWBY and JNPR were in the cafeteria for lunch, they were chatting about the towers of homework everyone had thanks to their combat teacher, Glynda Goodwitch. Which was also their next class.

Everything was fine in the room, until a sudden pained squeal filled the air, bringing everyone's attention to a bunny faunus girl being bullied by a human student. Luna looked at the scene with frustration. She then began to get up from her seat but a hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going over to interfere. Turning her head she saw that the hand belonged to Blake. This confused the transfer student because she thought that her faunus friend would be the most supportive of her decision and she was right, all Blake was doing was grabbing her attention so that she could silently tell her not to make too much of a scene.

With a smile and nod from Luna, Blake released Luna's arm but their attention was then grabbed when they heard the sound of crashing plates. Looking back at the scene, both students' eyes widened when they saw who was in the clutches of the human bully.

It was Sheik.

"You blind or something squirt?!" the bully roared.

"Sorry, I was so distracted that I wasn't looking," the black haired boy nicely said, in an attempt to calm the situation he found himself in.

Sheik then noticed the tearful faunus girl and instantly his attention was redirected from his own predicament to hers. Sheik then called out to the girl, asking her if she was alright. The girl was shocked that he could talk to her despite his situation, she nodded in response but the male Eclipse wasn't buying it. Meanwhile, the bully was becoming agitated by the second, just by Sheik ignoring him.

"Hey squirt, you a faunus lover?" he asked Sheik

"A faunus lover?" Sheik repeated, confused.

"Yeah, a lover to those filthy, disgusting animals." The bully and his cronies then laughed at Sheik for supposedly not knowing what the term meant.

Looking up at the bully, the weaponsmith merely challenged the mean student by asking him what was wrong with faunuses. With a snarky grin, the taller student told him how faunuses were just imperfect humans and that they should just be kept away from society. This instigated a sigh from the weaponsmith, who then just told him how much of a shame it was that a so-called protector of the people are discriminating.

"Guess the protectors of Remnant can't all be inclusive, though I'm pretty sure this goes against everything you teach doesn't it... Ms. Goodwitch?"

The bully's eyes expanded in horror as his head turned to the entrance shaking, like a robot that needs oil on his gears. At the entrance of the cafeteria, with her arms folded and a glare that sent shivers down everyone's spine, Glynda Goodwitch marched towards the discriminatory student. She ordered him to put Sheik down then told him to follow her to the principal's office.

When he was out of sight, Sheik went over to the faunus girl to inquire if she was hurt. "Excuse me? You're not hurt are you?"

The faunus girl turned to Sheik and shook her head, "I'm fine, thank you."

"That guy sure wasn't very secretive about his hatred for faunuses huh?" Sheik asked, turning his head to the entrance where the boy was being led away by Goodwitch.

"Yeah that's Cardin for you. Open about everything," the girl said as she twirled her eyes to the ground

"Hmm, oh I'm Sheik Eclipse by the way. Sorry for the late introduction." Sheik put his hand out, to shake the girl's hand.

"I'm Velvet," the girl answered, grabbing Sheik's hand and shaking it lightly. "Velvet Scarlatina. Pleasure."

After their introduction, Velvet returned to her team while Sheik was dragged away by his sister, demanding he sit with them for lunch. Not even answering with a worded sentence, all Sheik did was glance over at the food and plate scattered on the floor.

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