Chapter 9 - Luna vs the Null

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While Sheik dealt with the grimm woman, Luna and the rest of the girls went to finish the Null. Though it was now slightly easier due to its arm missing, the Null was still a tough opponent.

Luna dug some of her aura blades into the Null, before thrusting her actual blade at it, pushing it slightly back into Blake and Weiss who then sent it into the air where the last two members finally slammed it back down.

"Did we get him?" Blake asked, but her question was quickly answered when they heard low growling noises.

"Why can't it just go down?" Yang complained.

Tough as it was, the Null was receiving damage as it was now shaking from head to toe. It then let out another shriek, before crimson red markings began to spread throughout its body.

Seeming to recognise what this meant, Luna's eyes widened in horror before she quickly snapped at her teammates to leave. Confused, her teammates all just gave her a "Huh?", before suddenly feeling intense fear coming from the Null.

They watched in fear as the skeletal grimm hobbled closer to them, it's eyes glowing with bloodlust.

The girls shakily raised their weapons, sweat trickled down their cheeks as they tried to stand their ground to fight. However, before they could even think of engaging with the Null, a hand shot in front of them. It was Luna signalling them to not go on any further. The blonde then turned her head at them, she silently stared back at them, her eyes not showing an ounce of fear in them.

Realising they stood no chance, the girls just turned their backs on Luna and jogged to the rest of their fellow huntsmen.

With her team out of harm's way, Luna turned her attention to the Null. It was now like a puppet, jerking all over while it's head hung to the side. Black tendrils then sprouted from its severed limb and attached itself back unto its arm, negating any damage that was inflicted upon it beforehand.

Dropping to a battle stance, Luna pointed her blade at the Null which was then followed by the aura blades that levitated behind her. In a similar fashion the Null also slightly lowered itself, its fingers slowly curling.

The Null was first to act, pouncing at the huntress. Luna skipped to the side, dodging the outstretched arm of the Null. With its side exposed, the huntress took her chance and went for a thrusting attack. However the grimm noticed the attack, so it quickly turned its body letting the blade pass underneath its armpit. It was then about swipe at Luna but the huntress took out her gun and shot her opponent's hand back.

With the grimm somewhat staggered from the surprise attack, Luna jumped back to regain some distance. She readied her sword once again, but this time made a mental reminder of the changes the grimm went through.

The Null then dashed at the girl once again, throwing a flurry of claw swipes. Luna did her best to parry and dodge the attacks, but a couple managed to slip past her defense and strike all over her body. This wasn't good for the huntress since her aura was converted into her blades, leaving her practically defenseless for the entire fight.

It was also difficult to keep up with the Null's attacks in the first place. They were quick and savage that she could only guess where the next strike would land.

When the grimm rose one of its hands high in the air, Luna quickly attempted to roll out of the way but a stinging feeling surged through her body the moment she attempted to move. Snapping her head to her legs, she was shocked to see it covered in deep cuts.

With no time to dodge left, Luna held her blade out in front of her like a shield and let the attack collide with it instead. A small shockwave was produced upon impact, but the sword managed to handle the force albeit cracking slightly. Now that they were locked in place Luna quickly used her aura blades to push the Null back.

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