Chapter 5 - The abandoned land

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Team RWBY woke up excited, after the performance that Luna gave during combat class they were called into professor Ozpin's office to discuss going on a mission with Ms. Goodwitch due to being impressed by the blonde's skills. They've done it before, so it's not something too brand new. However, the difference with this particular job was that it wasn't for the sake of studying; it was an actual request from professor Ozpin.

With their regular combat clothes on, the group rode the elevator up to the office where they were met with their fellow first years team JNPR and their seniors team CVFY. Along with them was Ms. Goodwitch and Sheik who immediately got Luna's attention.

"You're coming as well?" Luna asked, her voice showing slight worry.

"Yep," her brother deadpanned.

"Your brother is quite the infamous huntsman, I thought it would be advantageous to have him with you," Ozpin informed. "Now then let us begin."

According to the headmaster, there has been some mysterious movement happening in the abandoned city of Mt. Glenn. At first it was chalked up to grimm but those who went to investigate first said that it was a person that attacked them rather than grimm. Seeing as it was something that could no longer be handled by any huntsman, professor Ozpin was begged to send his best huntsmen and huntresses to do the check.

With no choice but to comply, Ozpin carefully picked what he considered to be his best students as well as two members of staff to accompany them, for obvious reasons.

"All right that's all from me. Get out there and catch this attacker," Ozpin ordered.

"Yes sir!" they all exclaimed.


Taking the bullhead to the abandoned city, every student was eyeing Sheik who was engrossed in his scroll, looking up the past reports on the attack. Everyone then began to wonder just what sort of fighter Sheik was considering what Luna said in class as well as Ozpin's words at the briefing. They wanted to know but thought it might be rude to just ask out of the blue.

Luckily, or rather unluckily for them there was someone who had little care for finesse.

Sliding to the weaponsmith's side, Nora proceeded to probe the boy, tearing his attention away from his scroll.

"So Sheik, how long have you been working as an official huntsman?" the redhead asked.

"Uh, four years now," Sheik answered. He then glanced back down to his scroll, but kept his ears open for the conversation.

"Wait what?!" Everyone questioned, their eyes expanding in shock. "Four years?!"

"How can you be a huntsman that early on?!" Ruby chimed, starry eyed.

"You're lying!" Weiss accused in disbelief.

"You must be very strong then," Pyrrha commented.

"Can you teach me how to fight then?" Jaune begged, his hands together.

Cracking from the constant hounding, Sheik told them to give him some space before pulling out his scroll. He then told the students to look at the screen. They did and on it was a huntsman ID that was registered to Sheik.

"You see I'm a huntsman. I'll answer all of your questions later, but now you all need to get ready. We're here." Sheik pointed out the window and everyone peaked their head out to watch as Mt. Glenn came into view.


The group was making their way down some abandoned roads inside the abandoned city of Mountain Glenn. According to Ozpin some mysterious shadows have been spotted within the city and any passing huntsmen have been suddenly attacked, returning with heavy injuries.

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