Chapter 7 - The humanoid

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Rocks fell beneath their heels and small droplets of water struck their heads as team RWBY continued to ascend the dark caverns. It was no pleasant experience. Walking along the tunnels was one thing, but having to grab onto slippery sharp rocks was another. Yet, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and scale the walls of the caverns if they wanted to reach above ground.

After much unwanted climbing, the team found themselves in a familiar place. Well, familiar to everyone but Luna.

Scattered crates, old rusty rails, rocks that had caved in on itself. The place was a mess, but it was still whole enough that the four original members of RWBY visibly grimaced at the view.

"What is this place?" Luna asked, unaware of her teammates' reactions.

"It was an underground operation that was ran by the White Fang," Blake answered.

Surprised at actually getting an answer, Luna prompted to question how she knew about the operation. "What? How'd you know?"

"Remember what we said about shadowing Doctor Oobleck, this was it," Yang responded.

"Oh I see." Luna continued to scan her surroundings, before landing on a small opening.

She pointed it out to her team, to which everyone gave a nod of approval then rushed to their exit. Since the route was familiar, the team managed to hastily make their way back up to the surface.

Blasting sunrays assaulted the eyes of the five girls, forcing them to squint and cover themselves. Once their eyes had finally readjusted to the outside gleam the group began to search for their missing classmates and staff members.

They wandered through the abandoned streets peering through every dusty, dark alleys; scanning every rooftop and bellowing through every street. Yet, nobody answered.

"You must be worried about your brother huh?" Yang asked out of nowhere, halting the group.

Luna blinked a couple of times before her lips curled into a twitching smile. "O-oh yeah, guess you can say that."

Luna was everything, she was smart, strong and had a wonderful personality; but she was a terrible liar and her team knew this.

"You're not worried about your brother?" Ruby questioned, slightly concerned.

"No," Luna defended, "I am. It's just that..."

"Just what?" Yang prodded.

"Sheik is very strong. Stronger than any huntsman." Luna paused, her eyes dropped, emptying itself of emotions while her voice had become a ghostly whisper. "So strong that he's often feared by many things."

The others took a quick glance at each other. What they saw wasn't the usual strong Luna. No. In front of them was a girl who seemed hurt. Even with the empty expression, her emotions leaked out. they had reminded her of something painful.

Not wanting their teammate to bear such heavy feelings, the group silently agreed to not explore the problem any further. In order to show their support, Yang slipped behind Luna and with an open palm struck her back, causing her to jolt back in shock.

The blonde girl quickly snapped her head back where she was met by the bright

"Alright team enough waiting let's find the others!" Ruby pumped her fist high into the air.

To which only Yang followed suit with the same vigor; while Blake and Weiss merely bobbed their heads.


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