Chapter 2 - The Weaponsmith

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After being in Beacon for a month, Luna managed to get to know her team really well. She spent most of her time with the raven haired, Blake Belladonna, who revealed that she was a cat faunus. Though since she sees faunuses as equals, she was more honoured that her friend trusted her enough with such a secret; Blake too, loved spending time with Luna, with her recruiting the girl into many of her novels that she reads constantly. Furthermore Luna seemed to show great interest towards all faunus kind, that she often asked Blake about their physiology and culture over at Menagerie, an island full of faunuses living in peace.

Ruby Rose was a surprise for Luna, being a younger girl than the rest of the team, Ruby was childish in most aspects of life: food, studies and many more things that annoyed Weiss, but when it came to combat or being a huntress; she took it seriously.

She would wield her weapon, Crescent Rose, with such elegance that it looked like she was dancing as she swung what was, a giant scythe that was double her size. Overall Luna felt that whenever she was with Ruby, she felt like she had been in Beacon for so long. The young girl always made her feel like she was part of the team even when she had just joined.

Weiss was everything Luna thought she would be, but at the same time everything she thought she wouldn't be as well. When Luna met the ice queen, she wasn't surprised by the somewhat condescending nature the girl had, after all she was the heiress to the Schnee family; however, she also found out that Weiss was quite helpful, often being the one to help them with studies; not only that, during said studies, she would often serve everyone coffee and tea, what was even more surprising was that she remembered everyone's taste.

Being a Schnee, Luna had the idea that Weiss would not be fond of faunuses, she was pleasantly surprised when she found the Schnee heiress acting normally whenever Blake took off her bow to reveal her cat ears, she even interacted with other faunus students. Truly unexpected for a Schnee.

Luna never met anyone more chill, or hot-headed than Yang Xiao Long. The half sister of Ruby Rose, this blonde bombshell was practically the one thing many guys in Beacon wanted but could never get.

Now Yang was a party girl, that was evident enough from her personality, yet she was also very caring underneath the fiery surface she had. Like a mother who would do anything for their children, Yang spent much of her time tending to her team: she would make sure that Ruby got proper meals, rather than eat cookies all the time; she would be the one to calm Weiss down whenever she was frustrated and getting the ice queen mad was an easy feat for most; finally, since their faunus friend often found herself deep into a book, the blonde often had to remind her to drop her reading when she was eating or when she was staying up late to finish said book. Luna herself was quite organised, so Yang actually had no problem with her, in fact the two almost became like a duo often taking care of the other girls.

All in all, Beacon was a fantastic place.


It was now combat class with the strictest teacher in Beacon, Glynda Goodwitch. Her class was pretty straightforward: two students battle, then either during or after the battle, Glynda would teach the children different tactics and what they should look out for during combat.

During one class, team RWBY's friend Jaune Arc was sparring with another student. Jaune wielded a traditional sword and shield, which was a classic for the time period he was in.

When the other student was about to land a slam on Juane with their weapon, the boy lifted his shield, blocking the attack, but still making him skid backwards from the force. Jaune's opponent then charged at him only for Glynda to stop them, informing them that their time was up.

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