27 || my lawyer

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A few people in the large, air-conditioned room had smiles on their faces by the end of the meeting. They all stood up to their feet to congratulate each other on their new partnership. They talked some more for a while, mostly how they look forward to working with each other and making billions.

Then the investors and their lawyer took their leave, leaving Y/n in the conference room with her lawyer, Krystal Jung. She approached Y/n where she was standing.

"Another job well done. Congratulations, Y/n."   

"Yeah, good job! A win for me is a win for you too. Congratulations to us all." Y/n responded, as she smiled.

Krystal nodded. "So how are we going to celebrate this victory hmm?" She's flirting, adjusted Y/n's tie. Not that there was something wrong with it.   

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" Y/n asked with a perfectly arched brow. As far as she remembered, they've never really celebrated any of the victories. They celebrated in her office only on two occasions, and they just had victory talk over a bottle of wine. Y/n couldn't help but think Krystal was referring to something more this time around.

"How about dinner at my place to celebrate, well I'm perfectly okay coming over to your place if you want."

"Hm, I really appreciate your kind gesture, Krys, but that won't be necessary. My girlfriend already has something planned for me tonight and I can't let her down."

"Is she capable?" Krystal asked as she folded her arms, arrogantly.   

"Huh I'm sorry?" Y/n countered, trying her hardest to remain calm.

"I heard she just turned 20. Does she know what it takes to love a woman like you? Is she capable of satisfying your needs? She should have left you for us while she goes for a guy of her age. Have you ever given it a thought that she might just be using you? For luxury items and then run with another guy of her age whom she's so much in love with?"

Y/n Park was shocked. She couldn't believe all she just heard from Krystal. Before now, they've only and always had a professional relationship. Never had Krystal meddled in her affair, except it had something that required her opinion as her lawyer. Krystal knowing Lisa's age was just evidence that she's been doing some crazy research about her love life and that irritated Y/n like crazy.

"With due respect, Miss Krystal, whatever I do with my private life is really none of your business and that includes who I fall in love with. You can say whatever you like about me but don't you ever talk about my girlfriend that way again. And I would appreciate it if you stop meddling in my business."

Krystal nodded, slowly. "Noted. I was only looking out for you because I love you, wholeheartedly. But since you have plans with your girl tonight, what about tomorrow or the day after? Just a dinner, nothing more."

Y/n would have said 'YES' to her invitation if she didn't said some rude and unbelievable statements about the love of her life.   

"I won't be able to attend!" Y/n strictly spoke, leaving no room for argument.   

"Y/n, I've been in your life before her. You know that, right?"

Y/n chuckled as the realization hit her. "Don't tell me you have some sort of crush on me?"   

"And it took you forever to realize it." Krystal rolled her eyes.

"It was never my intention to fall for you, Y/n. It just happened. And since then, I've been doing my best to make sure you notice me, but you never did. I've served you, directly and indirectly, gone extra mile for you to get great deals with your partners. I cared for you more than I should have, and then what happens?You chose another girl over me. What hurts even more, was the fact that you chose someone far younger than me which means you're indirectly saying I'm not good enough for you."

Does Age Matter ; Lisa ManobanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt