34 || a new chapter begin [i]

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Four months later.

After taking what felt like a long nap, Lalisa slowly opened her eyes. Even though her headache had disappeared, she still felt weak and dizzy.

She gently sat up, reached for a glass of water on the nightstand and gulped down all of it. Returning the cup, she picked up her phone beside her. She had two missed calls from Y/n and a missed facetime call from her best friends.

Lisa decided to return Y/n's call first, to ease any tension of Y/n being worried about her, and fortunately, Y/n picked up after a few rings.

"Hi princess!" Y/n voiced out from the other side, relieved that she could hear Lisa's voice before going to bed.

Despite how weak Lisa was feeling, a small smile crept to her lips. "Hi, love!" She responded. They were hardly ever apart. Y/n had to go on a few days business trip which left Lisa alone to herself in the apartment.

"Is everything okay?" Y/n asked, already getting worried. From the way Lisa responded, Y/n could tell something was wrong.

Her Lisa was usually cheerful.

"Yeah! Everything's fine." She said, hoping Y/n would believe her. The last thing she wanted was for Y/n to start worrying about her when she was meant to focus on closing the deals she travelled for.

"I know you so well, Lisa. You're usually way more cheerful but right now, you sound unwell and it's starting to scare the hell out of me."

"I promise you that I'm okay, Y/n. Got a terrible headache which urged me to leave the office earlier than usual. I took a nap as soon as I got home and I'm just waking up. I guess that's the reason why my voice is like that. But the headache is gone, so I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." Lisa assured.

Lalisa eventually gave in to Y/n's offer to work in her company. She was now a staff member at Park's and has been doing incredibly well. She had also started her MBA (Masters in business Administration) online, in one of the top colleges in Australia.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I wish I was there with you." Y/n said. Lisa's heart melted. She could feel the urge in Y/n's voice. She wanted to be there for her so bad.

Y/n offered for her to come to the trip with her but Lisa refused despite all that Y/n bribed her with. A part of Lisa was glad she didn't go with her since she had to figure something out.

"Are you sure you are feeling better now? It's not too late over there. I can contact my doctor to stop by and check up on you." Y/n suggested. She was in Dubai and was 7 hours ahead of Melbourne.

"No, Y/n!" She answered almost immediately at the thought of her telling the family doctor to come to check up on her. "I promise, I'm fine. I will be better once I've had dinner." She said, even though she had lacked appetite for days now. She lacked appetite and at the same time couldn't keep anything down.

Y/n heaved a sigh. "I will be back the day after tomorrow. Promise me you will take great care of yourself." Y/n was to spend a week in Dubai and the day after tomorrow makes it exactly one week.

"I will, baby. I can't wait to have you back here. I miss cuddling with you. I miss you."

"I miss you more, Lisa. I'm never travelling without you, again. If I have to kidnap you to travel with me, I would."

Lisa chuckled. "Don't you think you've started becoming clingy?" She teased.

"Yeah! Says my fiancee that just confessed missing me and my cuddles."

Lisa giggled. "How was your meeting today?" Y/n had travelled along with her new lawyer and two senior staff of Park's Corp.

"It went well. The investors over here have agreed to partner with us. The deals will be signed tomorrow."

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