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Ten months ago, Lalisa Manoban joined a popular dating site. She honestly had no idea what made her to do so when she would rather spend her time in her room, reading and imagine herself falling in love with the hero in her dream.

Lisa was almost logging out on the website when a message came in from someone with the name 'Y/n.'   

Angry wasn't enough to describe how Lisa felt upon reading her message. She couldn't believe the sender had the nerve to ask her out. Lisa typed a couple of abusive and sassy responses but for some unknown reason, she didn't have the courage to hit the send button so she ended up logging out with Y/n's question unanswered.

Tomorrow, Lisa found herself in front of her laptop, logging into the site with the intention of deleting her account. But before doing that, she clicked on Y/n's profile. Just like Lisa, Y/n didn't put up her profile picture. But she was impressed by what was on her bio. That alone, made her finally reply to her question politely.

And luckily, Y/n was also online, one thing led to another and they ended up chatting for a little over two hours with Lisa ending the chat because she had assignments to catch up on.

From their first conversation, they both realized they had a lot in common and for some cheesy reasons, they both had smiles on their faces while replying to each other's messages. Chatting three hours or more every night later became a habit for Y/n and Lisa. They became addicted and looked forward to their chats all the time.

Whatever was going on between the duo was put on hold when they revealed their ages to themselves. It was a total shock to the two of them. They had so much in common that they both thought they were around the same age.

It was Lisa who had asked for Y/n's age on that unlucky day and Y/n replied immediately with '34'.   

Lisa's eyes almost popped out of its socket when she read the reply on her phone. She was beyond shocked. She couldn't believe the Y/n she had grown fond of was way older than her and that made her start thinking if whatever was going on between them was appropriate or not.

Just when it was starting to occur to her that she might have found the perfect love because she had started growing some feelings for her, but their age gap was already screaming NO at them.

Y/n, on the other hand, could tell something was wrong when she received no response from Lisa.

"Hey Lisa!"

"Are you okay?"

"You know you can talk to me about anything, yeah?"

Lisa didn't reply to Y/n's messages immediately but when she finally did, a shock and devastating expression overtook Y/n.   

"You're 34 and I'll be 20 soon. I don't know how to feel about this." This what's Lisa's reply.

After that, Y/n and Lisa didn't communicate for a while but that didn't mean they stopped thinking about each other. They both missed their night chats, most especially Y/n who looked forward to telling Lisa about her day, while Lisa was really pained and confused.

Y/n was the first woman she ever loved! If only Y/n was at her age!

Lisa had no doubt that Y/n was incredibly sexy though they've not seen each other's picture, they've perfectly described how they look to one another but she had pictured her at a much younger age. And since she came to know about Y/n's real age, she had been doing research about age gap relationships to know if there was any chance that they could work.   

Lisa also had a series of thoughts going through her head and a series of questions she would love to ask Y/n.

'What if she was married or has a husband and was only looking for a fling?' 

But for some reason, Lisa chose not to think ill of her. Y/n was always honest in all their chats that she found it hard to believe her intentions were evil.

After almost one month both of them being mute, Y/n took a bold step by leaving Lisa a message. Lisa didn't know what to expect when she saw a notification that she had a message from Y/n. They hadn't contacted each other for a while so she was trying to take her mind off of her and accept the fact that whatever they had between them was over.   

But there's a small part of her was also happy and nervous that Y/n reached out to her.

Lisa clicked on the notification and read the message. Y/n wanted to know how Lisa feels, she confessed she had missed her and their nights chats. That obviously made Lisa's heart melt and Y/n also politely asked for her phone number because she wanted to discuss some things with her.   

The last statement made Lisa more nervous but after reading the messages few times, she finally sent Y/n, her phone number.   

Lalisa totally had her eyes glued to her phone all day, not wanting to miss Y/n's call. She couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to say to her. She didn't want to be overconfident either so she won't get her heart broken. They didn't end their friendship well the time they had the age conversation thing and she couldn't help but think, her call would be to end things officially between them. She facepalmed when she realized again that she was head over heels with a woman she hadn't physically seen.

Lisa was almost giving up when a call from an unknown number came in. She had dinner and was almost ready for bed. She had no doubt it was Y/n. She heaved a big sigh in hope that it would calm her heart rate which had suddenly increased.   

With shaky hands, Lisa answered the call.

"Lisa?!" A comforting deep voice said. The tiny hairs on the back of Lisa's neck stood to attention as a shiver ran down her spine.   

She swallowed painfully. "Y... Y/n?" She asked even she was sure as hell that Y/n was the one.   

"I missed you so much!" Y/n said from the other side.

When Y/n heard no response, she continued. "I miss us. I miss our nightly chats and I'm sure, you miss us too!"

"Hmm b-b-but.. " She was starting to say but Y/n cut her off. "I know Lisa and I swear that I've been doing a lot of thinking lately."   

"In our chats, you sounded very smart and mature, you always made me laugh, we talked about so many things and unintentionally, I started getting fond of you. Never did I know that you were very much younger than me."

"Apart from my best friend and a few close family members, you're the only person that I've opened up to." Y/n sighed. "To an extent, I think I've even opened up to you more than the others. You just have that power over me, the power that makes me want to share everything with you. And for some reason, my heart tells me I can totally trust you."

"I remember telling you I work in a company. That's true, but the company is mine. I also own a hotel and other investments. I'm not married or engaged and neither am I seeing anyone. Let's just say I'm married to my job." She paused for a while and then continued.

"But, I have a daughter who I love so much and I won't hesitate to do anything for her. Her mom is not in the picture so it's just my princess and me."   

"My best friend requested me to get a life outside my job. He persuaded me to try dating again. And after so many rejections I gave to him, he signed me up on the dating site and that's how I met you."

"I spent the last few days thinking a lot of options. Lisa, I would like to know you more."

Does Age Matter ; Lisa ManobanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon