24 || amends

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Just as promised, Rosie joined her mommy, stepdad and siblings for breakfast this morning. She woke up early and was able to help her mother in preparing breakfast and packed snacks for her siblings to take to school. And Jaebum was the first person to come downstairs for breakfast and he was happy to see Roseanne helping her mom. Jaebum pulled his stepdaughter aside and they had a few minutes conversation. He assured her that everything was going to be alright, he loves her as his own flesh and she could always count on him.

While Irene and Lucas were shocked to see their elder sister downstairs, but Rosie was lucky enough to receive a hug from Lucas although she and Irene only engaged in a polite.

"Good morning!" Plus, she actually planned to talk to Irene later in the evening.

And for the first time in forever, they had breakfast as a family of five. It wasn't really awkward because they made conversations in between meals and Jaebum did a great job in including Roseanne in the conversation.

Just like yesterday, Jisoo already prepared her mind that she was going to stay home with her daughter today due to the fear that her daughter was still likely to do something stupid to herself. But after Rosie and her mom finished the dishes, she promised Jisoo that she would be fine staying home alone and not do anything weird to herself. On that note, Jisoo went upstairs to get ready for work while Rosie crashed on the sofa in the living room. Moments later, her mother appeared all dressed up with her hand and office bag which had her laptop and some files in it.

"Oh wow!!" Roseanne exclaimed, awed seeing her mom.   

"Oh no, I knew it was a bad idea to put on this dress, I'll go change into something else." Jisoo said, putting her bags on the couch, ready to go back to her room to change her outfit.

"No no, mom. I mean you look very gorgeous." Rosie exclaimed, rising to her feet.

"Hm, you sure?!" Jisoo asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I thought it was revealing too much, making me look too much somehow."  

"No. It's perfect, mom." Roseanne assured.

Jisoo was putting on a professionally sexy black knee-length dress with matching heels. Her hair was down and she applied very light makeup.   

"You look very pretty!" Roseanne added.

Jisoo smiled. "Awh, thanks, baby."   

"Can I have your phone, Mommy?" Rosie asked.   

"My phone?" Jisoo frowned.   

"Yes. Please..."

Jisoo reached for her iPhone in her bag, unlocked and handed it to her daughter. Roseanne accepted the phone, clicked on camera and changed it to a selfie position. Jisoo's heart melted upon the realization of what was about to happen.

This was the first.

Roseanne, initiating taking a selfie with her.

She was almost as tall as her mom so it wasn't that difficult holding up the phone while they took pictures together. They took a couple of shots with different poses before Rosie handed the phone back to her mom.   

Jisoo pulled Rosie into a hug. "I love you, princess." She kissed her forehead.   

"I love you too, Mom."

"Don't starve yourself. Feel free to have anything you want and don't forget to call me if you need anything."

Rosie chuckled. "You worry too much, Mom. I'll be fine. Besides, Jennie will be here soon like you said so I won't be alone."   

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