32 || blessings

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Leaving her girlfriend's parents home with a heart full of gratitude, Y/n hopped into her car and drove straight back to the office. She pulled up at the parking lot of Park's buildings. Unbuckling her seatbelt, her phone suddenly rang beside her.

Seeing the caller ID, a smile instantly crept to her lips. She answered the call.   

"Hi, princess!" Y/n said to the other side.   

"Hi love, guess who's done with her exam?"

"Hmmm, let me think!" Y/n playfully thought for a while.   

"Oh yeah! Like you don't know who." Lisa teased.

Y/n chuckled. "Congratulations, baby. I'm so proud of you!" She added.

"Thanks, babe. I'm so glad exams are over. I can enjoy the next couple of weeks without having to think about school or books. I'm not a lazy student, but it just feels good to be free from school work for a while."   

Y/n smiled. "I understand.. I'm happy for you, my love."

"Thank you. So, how's work?" Lisa asked.   

"Fine. Just got back from somewhere, I can't wait to tell you all about it."

"Okay, does that mean you're coming over to my place tonight?" Lisa asked, hopefully.

"Yesss... Can I? Do you have other plans?"

"Nope, I'm on my way to meet Nini and Rosie to hang out though but I will be back in my apartment at 7."

"Hm alright, it's a date then! What should I bring along for dinner?"

"Pizza and ice cream will be fine." Lisa replied almost immediately.

"Alright, have fun princess! See you tonight."

"I will. I love you, Y/n."

"I love you more baby." Y/n said before she ended the call.


After what felt like forever, Y/n completed her task for the day. She made a few calls to some clients, gathered her things and then happily proceeded out of her office.

On her way to Lisa's apartment, she went to a pizza and ice cream shop to pick up what her girlfriend requested. She honestly couldn't wait to see her reaction when she tells her that they now have her parents permission to be together. That thought made Y/n smiled wide. She could literally see Lisa trying to hold back her happy tears.

She finally arrived at Lisa's apartment building. She got down from the car, took out the pizzas, ice cream and the gift she bought for her days before, then made her way into the building. Y/n smiled when she saw Lisa's Audi RSQ8 on her way in.

Lisa literally thanked her almost a million times when it arrived

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Lisa literally thanked her almost a million times when it arrived. She wanted to get something more expensive for her but Lisa refused.

Lisa opened up immediately when the doorbell rang. She tiptoed, gave Y/n a kiss on her lips and accepted the ice cream from her, leaving Y/n with the three boxes of pizza she was holding. She invited Y/n in and they both placed all the items on the counter.

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