Chapter 12- Walking on Thin Ice

Start from the beginning

Not a good sign.

This is bad.

It's over isn't it?

Oh come on Luz! Don't give up yet!

She hasn't said anything yet!

But her voice shook! That's a bad sign!

It doesn't necessarily mean something bad!

What else could it mean?!?

"About that Luz..." Amity started, with a quiet and shaky voice.

"Amity?" Luz got worried with what's about to come.

"I finished reading through all the books."

"not one of them explains what we have."

Amity finished... It's the end, this early.

That sentence made Luz's life flash before her eyes. It's really gonna end like this, Amity not being able to confess her love. A mother waiting for her daughter to come home. A mentor not being able to teach every spell to her disciple. A demon king wondering where his pun buddy went. A plant witch and an illusionist waiting for their friend to come back next year and be silly together.

"Really? T-That's... Okay... Let's just go do whatever we want to do for the rest of our time remaining, okay?" Luz was shaking, almost going to burst into tears.

"Luz?" Amity called out to Luz, who was holding her head probably to stop from tears coming out. Amity held Luz's hand gently

Luz couldn't stop herself from crying as tears were running down her cheek, faint sniffles could be heard from her.

"Luz..." Amity didn't know what to do, she's not used to this kind of situation. Amity held Luz's arms gently, pulling it down to see Luz's face. Luz's nose and cheeks were growing red.

"Amity, I don't want it to end like this." Luz sniffed

"Neither do I, Luz." Amity held Luz's hand softly.

"I want to keep on living with you Amity." Luz continued

"I want to stay with you, Luz." Amity is at a loss for words, she's never seen Luz this down before. Amity embraced Luz into a warm hug, hopefully Luz would calm down...

But they both know that the ending can't change.

"Luz..." Amity started "Yeah Ams?" Luz looked up.they were both sitting down, with Luz on Amity's lap and hugging each other. "What do you want to do together?" Amity asked, looking into Luz's eyes that were glowing annoyingly.... Well not really annoying to Amity, she did not mind at all with the glow.

"Well how much time do we have left first?" Luz asked. Even though knowing the time isn't going to help at all, Luz might have something in mind that she wants to do before leaving the faces of the world.

"As how things were progressing before, we might have a week left... And I might have a few days more than you... " Amity explained as she frowned.

"Amity" Luz grabbed Amity's face "Let's make this the best week in our entire lives, alright?" Luz smiled brighter than ever, it was like she's never cried before that.

"What do you plan to do? What will make it the best week in our entire lives?" Amity asked

"My day's already better just by being with you, but an entire week with you would even be better! Plus we're gonna do lots and lots of fun things together" Luz beamed up as she grabbed Amity's hands.

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