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"let me go you, imbiceals!!" I yelled, wriggling in the grip two assassins had on my arms, but they wouldn't budge. I got caught, as you can tell, I haven't used my speed in forever so I choked when two guards noticed me. They were leading me down a hallway, soon reaching two big double doors. One of the assassins nodded to the guard, the double doors swinging open. "so the princess returns" I hear a woman say, I look up to see her "Thalia" I spit, as I see her sitting on a throne fiddling with a Batarang and looking down at me. "hello y/n "where's Jason, you psychopath" I spat, again, wriggling in my captor's grip. "now is that any way to greet your Aunty Thalia?" she asks, balancing the Batarang on her fingertip. Just looking at her makes me sick, or that could the moring sickness kicking. I swallow back some bile and look her in the eyes, "let Jason go, or I swear I'll-" do what? use your speed and kick my ass?" she says with a look of disbelief. Suddenly, Thalia throws the Batarang at me, I try to use my speed and get out of the way, but I fail. The Batarang lodges itself in my shoulder, but luckily the nano-tech is too thick and it didn't pierce my skin. "see? useless" she spits, "unlike my pretty bird," she says, making a motion with her finger

From a door on the right came a man in a mask

"you called, Thalia?" the man asks, bowing in her presence, his voice sounding familiar

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"you called, Thalia?" the man asks, bowing in her presence, his voice sounding familiar. "yes, I called you because I want you to take a look at this prisoner" Thalia instructs, gesturing in my direction. The man looks my way, cocking his head to the side, "I don't understand, she's the girl from the hideout, what is she-" Thalia interrupts, getting up from her throne, she walks over to the man, cupping his masked face, "she's from your past, she's insignificant" she says. Wait...."Jay?" I mumble, tears welling up in my eyes, "my name is Asfur"(an Arabic name meaning bird) Jason says, taking off his mask, finally showing his emerald eyes. But, his white streak, "did you dye his hair!" I yell, lunging at Thalia, only to be pulled back by the guards. "mistress says it was a necessary thing to get rid of my past" Jason stated. It made me sick to me stomach, Jason wasn't, Jason anymore. And it's all her fault. I glare over to Thalia, my emotions taking over. I somehow vibrate myself enough to phase through my captor's grasp and speed right into Thalia's face. 

"now listen here you little b-word. you either let him come with me so I can free him and get his memories back, or I can kick your ars and still free my boyfriend. which one will it be?" but she said nothing, she instead looked over to Jason and snapped her fingers. Jason instantly pulled out a knife and held it to his heart. Nonononon. Panic immediately set into me . "you lay a finger on me, and your boyfriend kills himself" she states, "it would be such a waste of a good soldier....and plaything" she smirked as if she was clueing me in on something, but I was too focused on the knife at my love's heart. "put it down Jason, please" I begged, a quiver in my voice,  "my name is Asfur" he blankly states, "and I only take orders from the mistress"

What am I going to do? I'm not strong enough to just dash out here with Jason in hand, and from I've seen, he'd put up a fight if I tried. And I'm nowhere near the right level to take Thalia head-on. "come on baby, please! it's me! y/n! please put the knife down" I begged, letting go of Thalia and walking towards him. Usually, it would feel like home just in his presence, but it just felt like I was in front of a stranger. His eyes were cold, bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, no white streak, and a knife at his chest. That's not my Jason. " oh hunny, I trained him well, he's not gonna break" I hear Thalia grin evilly. "will you just shut u-" but then the woman snapped hher fingers, a collar immeditly put on my neck. "what the.." I try using my speed, nothin. "meta power blocker, another fun toy I barrowed from S.T.A.R Labs" Thalia explained as Jason came and stood at her side. "Asfur, be a dear. Take this pathetic excuse of an Al-Ghul to the dungon" 

Oh boy......

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