family reunion

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I was in the Manor, League of assassins soldiers were everywhere. I tried using my speed but the bracelet made it impossible. My heart was pounding. Next to me, Jason was taking out soldiers one by one, every now and then they would land one cut or one punch. I saw the rest of the family all around me, but they weren't doing well. They were all injured, hurt, or worse. But they kept fighting. I blink and in an instant, it's pitch black, one by one, five spotlights turn on.

I look around to My family...Bruce, Dick, Damian, Tim and....NO, Jason... They're all dead, all five off them. Beaten and bloodied, knives and throwing stars piercing them. "no" I mumble, "this can't be happening" I'm crying uncontrollably on my knees in the middle of it all. "this is all my fault, I couldn't save them...I couldn't..."

~end of dream~

I snap straight up, my heart racing, sitting on my bed in a cold sweat with salty, tear-stained cheeks, and a headache. That dream, it haunts me every night. I wipe my forehead and look out the window to find the sight I find every morning now, the sandy nothingness of Nanda Parbat, my new home. Time to get up. I sigh and grab my robe, getting out of bed as I put it on. I've been here four days, four torturous, sad, depressing, angering, days. My father is acting as if I'm home as if he didn't rip me away from my family, hurt them, and kidnap Jason. I've seen him once since I got here, one heartbreaking time. They plan to mind-wipe him, make him a clean slate for the League, and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not trained well enough to get him out of here with a full palace of assassins and don't have my speed and my father won't give it back either. He says he doesn't want me running off. 

I'm useless 

~four days ago~

There I was, shakily standing in front of my Father. Foot soldiers holding my family hostage with blades at their necks. "Y/n! Get ba-" but he winced for the blade was being pushed slightly harder on his neck, "you said they wouldn't be hurt if I came out!" I yelled, my fists balling up as I held back my tears. "He's not dead is he?" Father asked,  placing a knife on Damian's cheek, "no! Please!" I yelled, my tears taking over, "I'll do whatever you want, just let them go!" I cried. If I had speed this wouldn't be happening. "Where's Redhood and Nightwing! I demanded, "they need to be set free too" you mean, Richard Grayson and your little boyfriend, Jason Todd?" Father asked

"How-" I have my ways. But your little hero's are fine. Nightwing is in the plane still, leverage if you will. And your boyfriend? He's home now" he smiled. What? What does he mean by "home now"? "I don't really care about these people, all I care about is you," I said I'd do anything. Just let them go" I stated, trying to get myself under control. Father pressed the knife harder on Damian's cheek, dragging it along, drawing blood. Damian just groaned in pain, grinding his teeth, his green eyes snapping shut. "Please, stop!" You'll do as I say or he'll get more" Father growled, I just nodded my head, sniffling and whipping my tears. "Walk over and stand by my side" he ordered

I started walking, shaking with fear as I did so. As I walked past Tim I heard him start to say something, "it's okay Timbo, I'll be fine" I smiled, mustering up all the acting skills I could manage. I kept walking, Steph and Barb gave me concerned looks, while upfront, Bruce was not having it. "Don't you even think about it young lady" Bruce stated with his dad tone, "I have to Bruce, it's the only way" I croaked. I then walked up to him, getting on my tiptoes kissing his cheek, "I love you". I summoned up all my courage and walked to my father, "I'm here, let them go now" I don't think s-" let them go now or I'm not coming" I stated. Father looked at me with disgust before nodding his head, his soldiers letting my family go

"Thank you" I coldly said. It wasn't a nice thank you. Father nodded his head to the door, his soldiers following him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "HARIS!" I looked behind myself to see Tim lunging forward, but in an instant, I saw a throwing knife thrown. It hit Tim's shoulder knocking him to the ground. "NO!" I yelled, trying to get out of my Father's grip, tears rolling down my cheeks. Everyone rushed over to Tim while Bruce started at me, a blank expression on his face. I watched that expression until I couldn't see him anymore. Once we were on the plane I saw a knocked out Dick, two soldiers picked him up, "hey! watch it!" I yelled as they were about to just toss him out of the plane and into the yard. But they didn't listen, they tossed him, then we were off


I put on my slippers and ran my fingers through my hair. I open the doors to my room to find the normal two guards there. "good morning ma'am" they say in unison. I blanky nod at them then make my way to the dining room. Maids and guards, practically everyone treats me well, I just don't want to be here, I want to go home. I sat down at the big table, plates full of eggs, pastries, bacon, every type of breakfast food were instantly set in front of me, along with a cup of orange juice. I start picking at the food, not taking a single bite, I can't eat while Jason is locked up. "eat, girl. you start training today, you need all the strength you can get" a voice says. Ras, Ras Al'Ghul. Ras made his way to the head of the table, where a cup of tea was set in front of him "I don't take orders from you Ras" I spat, taking a sip of my juice, "you can and you will. I am your grandfather-" I spit out my juice instantly. 

Did he just say what I think he just said?! "my, what now?!!" I exclaim. "your grandfather" he replies plainly, taking a sip of his tea, "you're barely Damian's grandfather, you are definitely NOT mine!" watch your mouth, girl. I trained Damian to take my place, and if it weren't for his meddling father he'd be the best soldier here" he stated. This is not right, how on earth could he be my grandfather!? that's impossible! I'm not related to that I? "you spiteful, annoying little girl. but I'd expect nothing less from my worthless Daughter's offspring" he spat, which brought me out of my thoughts. "EXCUSE ME!?" I screamed, "do not scream. Nadia was a traitor, she gave up. she was worthless" Ras said firmly. Nadia!?! as in Nadia l/n!?! that isn't possible, not possible at all

Jay's Girl: A New Future (book two)Where stories live. Discover now