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It's been a week since the nightmare fiasco, he hasn't slept the same since then but he's slept, which I'll take. He hasn't let me out of his sight tho, and he keeps rubbing my stomach as if I'm pregnant, I love it. It doesn't help that I want to be pregnant, it broke my heart to see the small hope he had in eyes just drain when I told him I wasn't pregnant that awful day. He looked like a puppy I had just kicked to the curb, and I love puppies.....and him of course.

I was on the couch, I turned around on my knees and looked to Jason, "hey Jay?" I asked, he was in the kitchen, making his famous triple chocolate cake, just for me. "yeah babe?" he replied, his big muscley arms whipping up the chocolate cream that goes on the cake. He was shirtless and only had on basketball shorts, then a kiss the cook apron to top it off. "how about we get away for a while?" get away?" he parroted, still not taking his eyes off the cream. "yeah, visit tropical location or something, get a hotel room and just relax. Something to get our minds off things" I said, walking over wrapping my arms around his middle, "Lord knows you need a break" I slightly giggled

Jason just chuckled, still mixing the cream. "Jason?" Yeah, babe?" I think you're over-whipping the cream there" I said, putting my hand on his. He stopped and put the bowl down with a huff. "I can't leave," he said lowly, "I can't leave the boys to handle the city on their own" they've got B, I think-" Bruce isn't here" Jason spat out, the way he said it made me feel like he had been holding it in. "What do you mean he's no here?" I asked. The last time I saw Bruce was a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed fine then. So what gives?

" Talia" who?" Talia Al Ghul. Damian's mom. She's playing with him, she took Damian away. Literally snatched him out of his own home. He's good, but not good enough to fight off Talia" Jason sounded as if he was about to cry. And to think he hated Damian. "How long ago was this?" Th-this week, she took him Sunday" he answered, "Bruce went after her, but...we haven't heard from him since he got to Nanda Parbat. And that was three days ago. Y/n I'm scared" shh, I know Jay, it's gonna be ok," I said, squeezing him. I don't know what to do. I myself am scared. But I need to be strong for Jason. But what if they took him captive and are torturing him? What if he's barely alive...or worse ...dead...I can't...I can't lose him too

"We'll get em back, both of them," I said sternly, fighting back tears. "How? How are we gonna do that? The only two people who have been to that retched place are there, we have no one to help. Dick and Tim are too tired from doing all the patrolling, Barb isn't ready to get back in the field. Cass is on her own mission and Steph? She hasn't put on the suit in years" he kept rambling on and on. And he's right. We're low on manpower. Our best weapons are rather captured or too tired. "And in the end, I bet this is all just a ploy to get me back" with that he hit the counter, really hard still not meeting my eyes, let alone turn around. What does he mean "get him back"? I don't wanna ask right now, it's not the place nor the time

"Jay, you forget. I've been there. I can get us in and out of there in seconds. Things will be fine" I reassured. "but I promised you'd never have to go back there," he said sounding disappointed. He finally turned around, looking down at me with sad eyes. "I told you you would never have to go back after that day, and I meant it" I know. But Dami and Bruce need us. I'll be fine" I smiled, placing my hands on his face, cupping his cheeks. "You can't always protect, I know you want to, but you can't" I giggled, " the only way to save them is if I help. They are my brother and dad. I'm going to go after them, are you with me?" I asked sternly, putting a brave face on for him

He shook his head, yes, taking a deep breath. He straightened out taking in more breaths till he calmed down a little. "Yeah babe, let's kick some butt" he smiled, a little thrill in his eyes now. After that, me and him got changed then I zipped us over to the Wayne Manor. I didn't think about the "getting me back" thing again. If it's something I need to know he'll tell me, right? Finally, we found Tim and Dick half asleep trying to eat breakfast in the kitchen, but failing because they're so tired. Abruptly, we woke them up to tell them about our plan, it's not well thought through but it's a plan....ish. "Are you sure about this guys?" Dick asked through a yawn, "cause all me and Timbo need is some coffee then we can help, we aren't dying" mhm, coffee...." Tim mumbled tiredly, over-pouring coffee in his Superman mug.

"Not if I have anything to say about it you don't" Alfred ordered, "you two have run yourselves ragged since Bruce and Damian have been gone. I think Jason and y/n can handle this one" he stated as he cleaned up Tim's coffee mess, Tim a zombie next to him. "Now, go to your rooms and sleep or when Brice gets back he'll have you heads" Alfred told them, and I know Bruce will have their heads if they don't do as told. Both tired boys moaned and groaned as they went there ways upstairs. "those boys will be the death of me. And so will you two. You all will" Alfred scoffed, shaking his head. He may be an old man, but he still is the boss, no matter what. "Thanks, Alfred, I doubt they would have listened to us" Jason half laughed

"No problem Jason. Now get down to the cave and make a rescue plan for the missing masters. I don't know how much more my old heart can take" yes sir" Jason and I said in unison. Then we dashed off the bat cave. We have a dad and brother to save

A/n: hey guys! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I've been swamped with school and the holidays😅 But, I'll be more active with chapters now that the holidays are over. Happy late Christmas and new year🥳

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