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~Jon's pov~

I woke to birds chirping and warmth at my side. Dami was curled up next to me, his head resting on my bare chest, just feeling his warm breath. We both ended up stripping down to our boxers last night, and no, nothing like "that" happened, just some...love bites. My eyes wandered down, dark hickeys littering his neck and shoulder, more littered his stomach and thighs. "all mine" I mumbled, bringing him closer. "Jon, why would you move me. I was sleeping peacefully" Damian glared, "what? Can't I cuddle my boyfriend?" Not when he's sleeping peacefully and never gets sleep" he exaggerated, turning over, away from me. "Oh come on Dami. don't be a baby" I laughed, spooning him.

All I could think is the "no talk, me angy" meme with a kitten pouting in the corner. I giggled as I pulled him closer, "noooo" he groaned, trying to get out of my grasp. "You really think you can get out of a kryptonians grasp?" I teased with an eyebrow raised. But the moment was ruined by a phone ringing, "it's my phone, I better answer it, it might be Father with some news" Damian said, wriggling out of my grasp. Of course, work first, I huffed then rolled over on my back as he hopped off the bed finding his phone. I shouldn't be surprised, he's the son of Batman, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. "what?" Dami said confusedly into the phone, "slow down y/n, you're talking way too fast and not making any sense!" whats wrong?" I mouthed, sitting up in bed, Damian just put up a finger as a signal to wait. "just hold on, I'm at the Kent farm with Jon, I can be at the Manor in afew minutes, just wait...please" Dami sounded worried, I watched him hang up and quickly put on some clothes

"Whats going on with y/n? is she ok? is it Jason?" I don't know Jon..." Dami huffed, pulling up his pants, "she was so exsaperated on the phone that I couldn't understan a word she said other than to get over to the Manor, she needs me" He stated, pulling on his shirt and jacket. "can you fly me over there?" of course" I nodded, hopping up and throwing on some clothes

~an hour before. your pov~

I was going threw Jay's drawers, trying to find a tee-shirt, just somethings I could wear to help me keep calm. For his scent makes me feel safe. I pulled out the Redhood shirt that somehow ended back in his clothes, when in reality I stole it. I threw it on with my short shorts then slumped into our bed, snuggling into the covers, letting myself zone out and not think about a thing that's happened the past few days. My brain is fried, my body feels like crap, my eyes and head hurt from crying, and my heart is breaking.

 I just done

Suddenly, there was a flash of purple that consumed the room then I heard a crash in the bathroom. "what the...." YES!" I hear a girl yell, "I did! I ran to the future!" teh girl yelled again. I leaned over to look into the bathroom to find a girl, probably in her teens, in a purple speedster suit and a long black ponytail, she popped up and dusted herself off then turned her cowl off revealing peircing turquoise eyes....."no..way " I mumbled, remembering the color of Robin's lightning trail when I had visited the future all those years ago. I nearly fell out of the bed as i thought waaaay too hard, but the girl caught me as I yelped. I looked inot her eyes and saw it, I saw the same spunk I see in Jay's eyes. "WHAT THE F-"

~the present. third pov~

Damian rushed to y/n's room right as Jon landed, racing through the house, not even saying a hello to his brothers which made them all worry and follow him. Damian busted the door open the find a black haired girl word vomiting to y/n. Y/n just nodded her head in astonishment, Y/n, are you ok?" Damian's voice snapped her attention away from the girl, "oh thank god.." y/n breathed, slumping into the bed. "Y/n, who is this? she's in a suit and she-" She's my future daughter" Y/n interupted, "Robin"  

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