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My speed. It's gone. Meaning no speed healing, meaning the morning after, pain. No wonder I woke in all this pain. Tim was hovering over me like he knew what was happening "Tim...I don't feel good" I mumbled, "I know, it's ok. You just need some ibuprofen and a cup of coffee" he soothed as he rubbed my back, a small smile on his face. He helped me up and sat me down at the bar on a stool. He then brought me a glass and four ibuprofen pills, it's alot, but I'm guessing I'm gonna want them, I quickly downed the water and the pills. "Thank you" I squeaked, then there was silence as he made coffee. " So....um, how come you knew I'd need-" you guy's are kinda loud," he said nonchalantly, "plus you came down here with hickeys all over your neck" oh..." I mumbled, covering my neck with my hands in embarrassment, my face felt hot and it's bound to be red, we aren't that loud....are we?

He then set a batman mug full of coffee, chocolate creamer, and whip cream on top, just the way I like it. I stirred it up then took a sip, perfect. "but that doesn't explain why my speed is gone" I said, licking off my coffee mustache, "even my speed healing is gone. how?! I had it yesterday and a little last night, then this morning, POOF! it's gone" I exclaimed, waving my hands in the air which made something jingle on my wrist. I looked to find a small bracelet. It was silver and glowed blue, it looks....familiar. My eyes went wide when I realized what it looked like. "a power dampening band!?!" I said in shock, I looked over to Tim who had "sorry" written all over his face

"I'm sorry y/n/n (nickname) but it's what Jason thought was best for you, he said he couldn't risk you getting hurt or captured. he'll be back, I promise" he said, coming closer to me, giving me a hug. I don't understand. I thought Jason was ok with me coming, I came up with the plan for Pete's sake. He said he'd never hurt me. And now? He left me, no speed or speed healing. He left me....... I stared wide-eyed at the wall in front of me as I rest my head on Tim's shoulder. It was taking all my will power not to break down and cry from the pain. The pain of him leaving me and the pain from last night. It stung, it made my chest tight. I felt mad yet sad. but most importantly, alone. I felt so alone. Even though I have Tim right here I feel so alone. The other half of me up left me, no goodbye, just a power taking bracelet and pain

Tim finally let me then took out his phone, "I'm gonna call Steph and Barb" why?" I asked, my voice a little shakey, "they'll know how to help with aftercare way better than me. You need a warm bath, new clothes, new sheets, warm blankets, and rest. And you're too weak to even stand so you'll need help with all that and-" oh, duh" I facepalmed myself. Bath equals naked, new clothes also equals naked and he doesn't want to see his sister naked, duh.

~ Tim's pov~

I clicked Steph's number then walked out of the room, and yes, she's the first number in my phone, she's my girlfriend, of course it's her number first. It rang and rang till finally, her beautiful voice picked up

"hey Tim" she chirped, in which I couldn't help but smile to myself. I'm hopelessly in love

"hey Steph...." I breathed, trying to think how I was going to tell her what's going on 

"what's up babe?" she asked, sounding a little worried now

"ok so....long story short, the boys went to go save D and B, y/n wanted to come to too but Jason didn't want her to and now she's here with a power dampening band on her wrist and after sex pain" I blurted, "and she needs aftercare cause a stupid jerk forgot about it" I scoffed " I mean, if it was you I'd have no problems but..she's my sister... I can't exactly give her the best-"

"I'm on it" she interrupted, "I'll get Barb and be over as soon as possible, just get her-" 

"coffee with chocolate creamer and whip cream in it, water and four pills. I know the basics hun" I listed off, mind you, that's the same list I use for her too just with the other stuff too

"yeah yeah, just keep her alive till we get there ok?"

"I'll do my best but she looks like death right now" I laughed, "I heard that!!!" y/n yelled from the kitchen, "I better go, I think y/n might kill me now"

"stay alive too, please. love you" she chuckled

"love you too" with that I hung and went back to the kitchen to find an upset y/n glaring at me. "I DO NOT LOOK LIKE DEATH!" she exclaimed, which only made me chuckle. "I think I've stayed up all night working on a case and looked better than you the next morning" I laughed noticing she was out of coffee. I quickly grabbed the mug and filled it up again, adding the creamer and whip cream before handing it back to her, "drink up" I chirped, "Steph and Barb should be here soon and Steph told me to keep you alive till then" does taking me to the couch and watching Friends count as keeping me alive?" she asked, a sheepy grin on her face. "it does if it keeps you awake and your mind off the pain" mhm, it will" she hummed, trying to give me the puppy eyes, and unfortunately, no one can resist her puppy eyes, not even Bruce

"alright, alright. let's go you big baby" I chuckled, scooping her up bridal style, "thanks big brother" she sighed, leaning on my chest, "anything for you, little sis"

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