the truth

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"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!!" I yell at Jon

Jon had just put me down in the cave, after escaping Nanda Par Bat. But leaving Jason. "He was right there!! I could have grabbed him and we could have all escaped, TOGETHER!!!". How could he? He knew my sole mission was to get Jason out of there, yet he stole me away not even giving me a chance at getting Jason back. "I did what Bruce told me to do. I saved his daughter," Jon said, not even phased by my yelling. "Oh, so Jason, his son, my FIANCE, is chop liver!?!" Of course not y/n. But if I had to choose your or Jason, I'd save you in a heartbeat" Jon states, "you mean more to Damian than you could ever know. You're his beloved sister, you're almost past me in his priorities. So stop thinking just about what you want and need and disregarding your own safety, because honestly? You're scaring all of us"

"I'm scaring you all? I'm scared!" I yell exasperatedly, " I'm possibly pregnant and the father doesn't even know who I am!! On top of it all, my father is crazy and just tried to get me to stay with him!" I ramble. My head is spinning, he was supposed to be home, Jason was supposed to be saved by me then I was supposed to bring him home so me and him could live a happy life. "I'm lost, Jon, so lost" I cry. I sit in the computer chair, tears falling down my face. "Y/n..." I hear a voice say. I look up and found Bruce standing in front of me. "you" I say sternly, "I can't believe you. How could you save me and not him!?! that was the whole point of me going back to that damn place, TO SAVE JASON!" I'm sorry" was all bruce said. "what?" I asked, why is he apologizing? I mean, yes, I wanted him to apologize. I just didn't expect him to apologize right off the bat. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to help you, but it was really just about me. I wanted to make things right with Jason. I didn't think about how it would affect you" wow, that's the longest sentence and the most I'm sorry's I've ever heard you say" I almost laughed, deactivating my suit, revealing my Jason t-shirt and sweats

"c'mere," Bruce smiles. The big man comes over and stands me up before giving me a tight hug. " I know I messed up-" no, it was my fault for charging in like I did," I said, my voice muffled by the fact my face only reaches his chest. It's my own fault if I had only asked bruce and the boys to come with me, then maybe, just maybe, Jason would be here. "we both messed up, fair?" fair" I nod, hugging him tighter. "now, go take that test" Bruce orders, handing me a box. "wha-when did you-" I'm a ninja too remember?"Stupid ninja people" I grumble, snatching the box from him, "do I have to?" I ask, glaring at the box. I don't want to know if I'm pregnant. What if I am and Jason misses out on the reveal? And what I'm not? I don't another disappointment on my shoulders. "Go pee on that stick or so help me God" Bruce swears, pinching the bridge of his nose. "fine, you old fart" I teased, sticking out my tongue.

~thirs pov~

Y/n left the cave, going up to her and Jason's room to pee on a stick.

Bruce turned to Jon, only to find a whirlwind, the Jon in civilian clothes. Even though he should be used to the super change, it still amazed him on how much he loved to show off. "Thank you, Jon," he says, slumping in not his computer chair, "I know that was alot to out on your shoulders, and if Clark was here and not on some intergalactic mission, I would have asked him to save he-" don't" Jon interrupted, "I would have asked to save her. She's important to Damian, so she's important to me" Jon states, "I was actually honored when you asked me. Ever since me and Damian got together, I've felt tested disliked by you. But this morning, I finally felt like you trusted me and almost liked me" Jon smiled.

Bruce just laughed. Of course, the old Bat was testing him. Bruce loves and trusts the Kent family. But a kent dating his son is totally different story. He had to make sure the farm boy was up to standards, and make sure be could handle the daily life of a Wayne. "I've never disliked you. But I was testing you. Life in this Manor is hectic. One minute it can be right as rain, the next it can be hell" Bruce explains, "we don't do the 'friendly neighborhood saves' like your father does. We deal with real dark shit. I had to make sure you knew, that if things progressed with Damian, it wouldn't always be sunshine and rainbows"

Jon just blinked. Did he really just say he never disliked him? "Did Jason his your head or something?" Jon asks, almost laughing,  "I thought you hated me" trust you? No. Hate you? Never" Bruce smiled. Jon only laughed and sighed in relief. "Speaking of Jason...."

Bruce then took out the remote to the Bat plane and popped the window, " WHAT THE FU-"

(A/n: dun dun duuuun!
hi guys! Evy-chan here! Sorry I've been so inactive. I've been studying for my driver's test, which is soon, and have had writer's block. But I'm back! Anywho, sending my love to all my readers❤️❤️
P.s, if you like this book, lemme know if I should do another sequel 😉)

Jay's Girl: A New Future (book two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz