the Kents

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~Damian's pov~

"This is really unnecessary Kent" I mumbled to Jon, crossing arms over my chest. I just got a hug from Grandma Kent and ushered inside where I got hugs from both Jon's parents then forced to sit at the couch. Both Lois and Grandma Kent were on the kitchen cooking up diner, and Clark was fixing things up around the house. "Oh shush Dami, you need a break from the Bat-family drama" drama!? You think our situation is drama!?" I exclaimed this topic is a little touchy for me. "Jason has lost all his memories up to hating Father and-" but I was shushed by a finger on my lips, Jon's finger. "I just meant you need a break and relax. You said it yourself. Cisco thinks his memories will come back on their own. We bugged all his clothes and shoes so we can keep tabs on him. All we can do now is wait"

I slumped into my spot on the couch with a "t-t"

"Sorry I'm late!" a girl's voice booms, along with the front door bursting open revealing a blond woman with glasses and business clothes. "Kara!" Jon yells, zooming over to her and wrapping her up in a hug, more like engulfing her, since he's taller than her, "you're late" he hmphs, hugging her tight. "sorry, Catco has me busy right now" Kara sighs before her eyes land on me, "oh, so you finally bring the boyfriend to dinner huh?" she asks, looking back at Jon, Jon's cheeks go red as mine go red as well. We've been together for whats felt like years, but it's still nice to be referred to as his boyfriend. "hello Kara" I mumbled, not getting up from my spot on the couch, "hi Damian" she chirped, letting go of Jon and picking me up into a hug, "WHY" I yelled, squirming in her grasp, "I HATE ALL YOU KENTS" I exclaimed more, trying to get out of her grasp. "hate us? highly doubt that" Kara chuckled, hugging me tighter

"Kara put the poor boy down and help with dinner. he's suffered enough tonight" Martha tutted, rolling her eyes at us. "fiiine" Kara sighed, plopping me back on the couch, Jon appearing next to me in an instant. Darn you supers. "Don't be such a grump Dami, they all love you. I love you" he smiled, cupping my face and rubbing.y cheek. I could just feel my cheeks heating up. "I- don't do that" I quickly spat, turning away from him, "do what?" He asked innocently, "say that I love you?" I didn't say a word. "I love you, I looove you. I love youuuu" he kept going, with a taunting tone  as he chirped I love you's over and over again. "Shuuuush" I sighed loudly, "you gotta say it back first, love" he giggled before continuing his I love you's. I could hear the ladies and even Clark giggling in the kitchen. Why did I fall in love with a sparkly ball of sunshine of a Kent?

Then I looked over at him

His smile, his bright as the sun smile

His gorgeous blue eyes, always filled with joy

Oh yeah...that't why...

"I love you too beloved" I sighed, a goofy smile playing in my lips. I can't resist him, after all these years, after growing up with him. I still can't resist him. Jon's whole face lit up, "good, I can't have my boyfriend not love me. That would be a crime!" he then hugged me tight, bringing me in for a kiss. But I stopped him, putting my finger on his lips, "not in front of the adults" I mumbled, he just gave the puppy dog eyes that every Kent has and uses for evil purposes. "I'll give you all the kisses you want later" promise?" He pouted, "promise" I nodded. His smile got bigger before pecking my nose with a kiss, placing his forehead on mine. We just stayed there, forgetting everything. 

"Alright love birds, dinners ready" I heard Martha call out from the kitchen, I quickly got away from Jon, my blush as red as the Flash's suit, "c-coming!" I stuttered, dragging Jon along with me

Dinner was amazing for not being cooked my Alfred. There was steak, gravy, mash potatoes, beans, and rolls. It was all delicious. And of course,  Jon, Clark, and Karra had at least three helpings. I sat there, just finishing dessert, chess pie, my one, and only piece, while the supers ha two. "mm, that was great Ma" Clark sighed, after popping his last bite of pie in his mouth, "it really was Aunt Martha-"but nothing can beat potstickers right?" Martha giggled as she interrupted Karra. The blonde gave a sheepish grin, "whaaat? I never said- oh look, there's dishes that need doing, I'll go do that" with that, Karra sped off to the kitchen. Giggles were heard around the table as she then sped around the table, grabbing all the dishes and taking them to the sink. "you could learn a thing or two from your cousin Clark" Martha teased, "I second that" Lois piped in with a grin. Clark just slouched in his chair with a grumble, like father like son

"Why don't you boys go get settled, I hear that Damian's staying over" Lois chirps, "what!? I didn't agree to that Jon" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest, "besides I really should be getting-" if you say you should be getting home to Bruce and the others I swear, there's gonna be consequences Dami" I went silent at Jon's words, I know him, there would be bad consequences. "fine" I spat, "good, pajama tiime!" with that Jon takes me upstairs into what I'm guessing is his room. He plops me on his bed and tosses a big tee shirt and shorts to me, I take a look at the shirt to find the house of El symbol on it, "really Jon?" what? don't wanna support your boyfriend?" he asks teasingly with a cute grin. My cheeks heat up, "what no I just- nevermind" I huff, averting my eyes, "mhm, suure" he laughs. I calm down and look back to Jon, only to find him taking off his shirt

dam, I've me a hunk of a man

The muscles of a god ripple as he rips off his shirt and plants himself next to me. I was too consumed in the art in front of me to say anything. "you ok there Dami?" he asks, innocently, as if he doesn't know how breathtakingly hot, handsome, beautiful, and gorgeous he is. I suddenly feel a wave of confidence, "I'm magnificent since I have this amazing art in front of me" I say, dragging my fingertips down his pecks and over his abbs, Jon shivered at my touch. He then grabbed my hand, pulling me onto his lap so that I was straddling his hips. "can I kiss you know?" he asks dazed, his blue eyes looking deeply into my green ones

"yes, kiss me beloved. kiss me all you like"

(a/n: sorry guys, I lost that ending somehow. but I fixed it! hope you enjoyed a little bit of steamy DamiJon)

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