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(Did I write this purely as a self-indulgent DamiJon fluff chapter? yes. Do I regret veering from the storyline for a chapter? (or two) absolutely not. Enjoy!)

"We have to go after him!!" I yelled, already heading straight for the door, "y/n, we shouldn't" Damian said, grabbing my arm and taking his mask off. "why not!?!" I yelled, trying to yank my arm out of Damian's grasp, "he's my boyfriend and your brother, are we just gonna sit back and let him get away!!?!" no! we aren't letting him do anything. we're giving him a chance!" Damian yelled back, he looked as if he as fight back his own tears as mine rolled freely down. "what do you mean, giving him a chance to do what?" I ask, calming slightly, not trying to go anymore and turning off my cowl. "we didn't want to get your hopes up, but after we filled team flash in on everything going on Cisco sad that a machine that can wipe memories, to a certain, extent, was taken from a S.T.A.R labs warehouse a few days before me and Father were captured. they suspected the league but they didn't have solid enough proof to storm the castle and find it, all there was left was a throwing star"

"But what does that have to do with giving a Jason a chance?" the machine doesn't wipe the memories for good, over time they come back, little by little" Damian explained, "if we just let him, he might get his memories back on his own". I hate this, I feel helpless. "so what? we're supposed to just leave him with your wacko mom and grandfather?! and what of it doesn't work? what then? huh?" I exasperatedly, a hysterical laugh following, "great, just great. my boyfriend is in the hands of the league, just terrific" I laughed more, turning around, not wanting to face them. This can't be happening, this isn't what I wanted for this new future! I this what I gt for trying to change the future, and even worse one? Where I don't get Robin OR, my husband!? well frick you then! "he'll be ok y/n they'll-" I'm goin home, I need a shower" I spat. With that, I turned my cowl back on and sped out of the building and headed home

~third pov~

"she'll get through this Dami, I know she will don't worry" Jon reassured the little Wayne, squeezing the smaller boy's hand, hearing his heartbeat race. "I know she will, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried she'll be different when this is all over. this stuff can impact you, even if things turn out the way you wanted" Damian said, squeezing the super's hand back, staring off in the direction y/n went. "we should head back. Father and the others will need a debrief along with a plan B if Cisco is wrong" Damian stated plainly, putting his mask back on. "I have a better idea" Jon smiles, quickly swooping Damian in a bride-style carry and flying out the window and into the clouds. "wha- Jon, what are you doing? this isn't the way home" I know" Jon smiled, "then where are we going?" Damian asks, wrapping his arms around the boy's neck, "you'll see" I don't like it when Kent's say that..." the younger boy mumbled

"you know I have super-hearing right?" Jon chuckled, only making Dami avoid eye contact and grumble "curse you Kryptonian genes" into Jon's shoulder. "besides, what is so bad about surprises?" because most of the time when you supers say that you try to get us to relax. and I don't need to relax" Damian huffed, still not looking Jon in the face. "then why is your whole body tense then? hm?" I'm holding on for dear life Jon, we're thousands of feet in the air" Damian plainly states. Jon knows all too well that Damian is not afraid of heights, "Dami, we've done this a few dozen times, you've never been so tense in my arms, ever" I don't wanna talk about it..." for the stoic boy didn't want to admit it, but he is worried about Jason, plus he doesn't want everyone to know he actually cares about the hair-brained guy. "of course, just tell me whenever you're ready, k?" Jon asked, kissing the smaller boys head

"like a more secrets," Damian mumbles, nuzzling into Jon's neck, "I love you, Jon" I love you too Dami"

A few minutes later, Jon lands at the Kent farm, putting a confused Damian down on the fresh green grass "what are we doing here Jon? Is this the-" Kent farm? yup!" Jon interrupted, "it's family dinner night for the Kent's and I wanted to bring you this time" he smiles, grabbing Damian's hand. "F-family dinner?" The younger questions, for "family", still has a twisted meaning for him. "don't worry Dami, my family loves you.... like I do" Jon smiled, booping the small boy's nose, then he grabbed his hand and led him to the house happily, all while Damian was a big ball of nerves. Damian hates the thought of disappointing Jon's family, let alone being excepted by them, he loves Jon too much to not d his bast and impress Jon's parents. Jon could hear the boy's heart racing and decided to try to calm him, "the only person you won't know if my grandma Kent, other than that it's just my mom and dad, plus Kara," he chirped, "but it's your FAMILY, Jon, what if I mess up or they don't like me or-" but Damian was stopped a hand over his mouth

"one more word out of you and I'm making you stay the night" Jon said, cocking his eyebrow, "but-" aaand you're staying the night" Jon said with a teasing tone, as he dragged his boyfriend to the front door of the small yellow house. "mom, dad! I'm here! and I brought Damian" Jon called out, opening the screen door. Suddenly the other door opened, revealing Martha Kent, "So you finally brought that boyfriend of yours" Martha tutted, her hip cocked and her hand on it, eyeing Damian. "hello ma'am, I-I'm Dami-I- I mean Damian! it's incredible to meet you, ma'am!" Damian stuttered nervously, bowing in Martha's direction. "come here" she laughed, bringing him into a hug, "welcome to the Kent family young man"

Jay's Girl: A New Future (book two)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin