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"where's my father?!" I shout, immediately getting up from the table, "training with Talia" Ras simply stated, "but leave him alone, you need to get ready for your own training" I'm not training, I need to speak to my father, NOW" with that, I forcefully walked out of the dining room, heading directly for the training room. The thing is...I don't know where that is... This is so stupid. I can't believe he didn't tell me that mom was part of the League, and to make things worse, she was Ras' DAUGHTER! Meaning Damian is my cousin, Talia is my aunt, and Bruce is my uncle. A part of me is ecstatic that I'm related to Bruce and Damian, but the other part is disgusted that I'm related to Talia and Ras Al'ghul. And my mom, she was a Leaguer, did dad know? My head was spinning with questions, along with other things

I couldn't concentrate on one thing, I went from my mom to my dad, from my dad to Jason. My mind swam in that circle as I walked through the palace. Was my mom bad? Did my dad know? Is Jason ok? My heart was racing as my eyes darted everywhere, looking for the training room. Did my mom run away from the League because she wasn't bad? Did my dad run-away with her? Can I save Jason? "miss, are you ok?" I voice asked, snapping me out of my frantic state. "excuse me?" I ask exasperatedly as I'm still searching for the training room, not even looking at the man who stopped me, "I'm really sorry, but I need to find my father. so if you'll excuse-" you're pale as a ghost" he interrupted, "and you're trembling, you really shouldn't be walking in this state. let me get you to the healer" with that the guard started leading me away

"I said, I'm fine" I spat, shrugging his hand off my arm, "where's the training room?" I demanded, the man looked puzzled, unsure if he should listen or not. "take me to the training room. now" yes-yes ma'am" with that he started walking, I followed closely behind. Soon we reached a room, the door was closed but I could hear feminine and male grunts, training grunts, coming from the room. I was about to open the door when another guard came up to me, "I'm ok, don't try to take me to the healer. I HAVE to talk to my father" I stated harshly, "m-miss, it's not about you. the prisoner-" Jason, you mean Jason" I corrected, "ye-yes. he's been calling for you for the past hour nothing we have done will make him stop. he said he won't stop until he gets to see you" the guard explained

I wanted to go see Jason so bad, I haven't seen him in almost four days. I need answers from my father though. But this may be my first and only chance to see Jason again. There will be other opportunities to talk to my father, right? "take me to him" with that the guard led me to Jason's cell. "I'll be right out here" as he said that, the guard closed the cell door. Jason was chained up-right by his wrists, just barely able to stand on his feet. His face was covered in blood, his clothes were torn showing various cuts and bruises all over his body. "y-y/n?" he asked weakly, he looked like he barely had the strength to hold his head up, let alone his whole body. I rushed ver to him, holding up his head by cupping his cheeks, "yeah baby, it's me" I choked out, knowing we don't much time until he wouldn't remember me anymore. "you so so pretty" he said dreamily as a little girl had met just met her favorite princess, "I'm wearing my pj's, and I have eye bags" I slightly laughed, holding in my tears

"you're always pretty" he sighed, nuzzling into my hand. I think he's delusional from the pain and stress, this isn't him, this isn't right. "I have to get you out of here," I said frantically, already looking for something to pick the lock on the chains with. I searched the hay in the cell, all over the ground, in my pockets, anywhere that might have something. "there has to be something here that can help, there has to" I mumbled. "y/n" Jason said faintly, but I didn't stop looking, "y/n!" he yelled, which snapped me back into reality, the reality where I can't help. "I-I'm sorry," I said, tears falling from my eyes as I looked into his turquoise ones. Usually, his eyes are filled with spunk, mischief, fun, happiness.  But right now they just hold sorrow, "hold my hand" I- I can't, you're too ta-" please...try," he said, a tear falling down his own cheek, his hand reaching for me. I sighed, trying to keep myself together as I reached for his hand

I reached as far as I could till our hands met, it instantly made me feel better. "I missed your tiny hands" he smiled, squeezing my hand, "I missed your big ones," I said, squeezing his hand back. I stared into his eyes as he stared right back into mine, just enjoying seeing each other after all the trauma. Soon, I leaned in, putting my left hand on his cheek, wiping the wet off his cheeks. Then I got on my tip-toes and placed my forehead on his, "I wish I could save you" I cried, letting my tears finally fall down my cheeks. "I know babe, I know" he whispered, holding in his own tears, "but you have to go" what!?" I asked, in shock that he'd tell me to leave. Even if I could leave, I'd never leave him. "no" yes, you have to" with that, I felt him hold my bracelet, and off it came, it felt so free

"run y/n, run" 

Jay's Girl: A New Future (book two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora