Chapter 14: Why Today Of All Days?

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After around 10 minutes of being prodded and poked by concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss; I finally start walking to class. The confidence I first felt when Lucy was putting my makeup was wearing off as my feet started to make slower and slower steps to the classroom.

Squinting my eyes, I push the door to the art class open. My face greeted with Cristina and her 'Purple Minions' writing with red paint under my desk.


My eyes started to blur with tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. I looked around the room and found Mr Kern softly snoring in his chair; oblivious to the activities happening around him. Lucy looked at me with a forlorn expression in her gaze, I just stared at her her eyes mirroring my own. I took a shaky breath and looked back into the room. I looked back at Cristina and surprisingly I found her arguing with David. Cam was sitting in his chair not giving a slightest care in the world.

Damn him. I thought he liked me. I was wrong. So much for getting my hopes up.

Giving Lucy a shaky smile I walked into the room pretending that Cristina's tactics didn't scare me, but I was shaking with fear and anticipation of what would happen next. With Cristina anything could happen. Lucy stepped beside me and whispered,

"Don't worry. You'll be okay, you're a strong girl. You can do this." Her voice giving me comfort through my worries. My heart swelled at this thought; I am so lucky that I have great friends. If it weren't for them I would be nowhere. That's why I have to be brave and confront Cristina. She needs to know that she doesn't own the world. Like I mean, we all get our period every month; because we're all girls. Just because mine leaked everywhere doesn't mean that I'm any different. Cristina should be the one that's ashamed. After all, she gives guys the sign that she is available all day or night. Any month, all year. That slut.

With my new found confidence I marched over to Cristina and her purple minions, ignoring the looks the rest of the class were giving me, especially David. Well, they are about to meet the 'new' May; get ready for the war class. It's just about to start.

I grabbed the red brush out of Cristina's hand and gave her the deadliest look I could muster. We locked eyes, a death stare going on between us. The only thing breaking the silence in the room was Mr Kern's snoring. Her 5 minions put their hands on their hips and also gave me a death glare. If you could see this situation you would think we were in Mean Girls, Cristina would be Regina George and I'm Cady Heron. She snatched the brush she was using out of my hand and with the pointy end and poked me as she said,

"Well. Look who it is, Miss Goody-Two or should I say Period girl? Finally decided to grow a backbone,"

"I already had one Cristina, I just finally showed it."

She sneered back, "Okay, period girl. You have a backbone. Good for you. I have a bigger one."

"Oh, well Cristina; didn't you know it's about the quality not the quantity?" I question back with a sickly sweet smile on my face. Lucy gave me a thumbs up from the back of the class, I glanced over to David and Cam who were now standing next to each other; they were both in shock with their eyes wide open.

"Oh, you did not just say that!" Her eyes narrowed over at me. By now, the whole class was staring at us; Mr Kern still snoring.

"Oh but I did."

"Your mother had an affair and a miss-carriage, that's why you moved to Australia and your father left you. I actually feel kinda bad for him, not his fault though. It's your mother's."

She did not just go there. She could tease me about anything, periods, clothes, hair, lack of friends. Anything. But. That. My eyes blurred with tears abut before she could see them I slapped her right across the cheek. Like the way Lucy smacked me in the morning; with a lot more force.

"YOU BRAT!" She screeched, blood dripping out of her nose and falling onto the floor. Before I could apologize for slapping her Mr Kern woke up. With his eyes bloodshot red and an angry scowl on his face he drags Cristina and I out of the classroom before we could protest we did 'nothing.' Nothing out of the unusual anyway.

"Girls! What you did is rude and hurtful. To yourself and others!"

"It's not my fault!" Cristina and I both said simultaneously, Mr Kern however didn't buy it.

"Now, I know you are both good girls so can you please tell me what happened in there?" Kristina glanced at me, a scowl on her face since I practically ruined her perfect image. Too bad she had it coming. Kristina flipped her hair over her shoulder with the hand that wasn't covered with blood and told Mr Kern in a calm manner,

"Well, you see May over here," She said pointing at me before continuing,

"Came into the classroom and slapped me in the face for no reason!" Ha, no reason your ass. Thank God Mr Kern didn't buy it.

"Uh, huh. May what's your side to the story since I know that you are a quiet girl who would never hurt another student. Can you please tell me why this happened and I may be lenient on your punishment." Punishment? Huh? I did nothing wrong! Apart from the fact that I slapped Cristina and talked back to her a few times; but she's the one that teased me about my mum. If it weren't for her, I probably would be in the room apologizing to Cam about the disaster and he would kiss me on the lips and tell me it's alright. Stop fantasizing May! It's not healthy right now!

"Mr Kern, Cristina said some things about my mum that I found very rude and hurtful so I may have taken action." I said, in the same manner Cristina gave her reply.

"It seems that both of you girls are at odds so I have an idea. If you say sorry to each other we can call it a day and I won't even tell the principal. Let alone give you a detention. So what do you say?" Mr Kern asks hopefully and I can see that if he wasn't sleepy he would've given us a detention anyways. Cristina and I glared at each other and since we glared at each other Mr Kern got the idea that we weren't going to say sorry. He gave us the detention for today afternoon. Great. Why today of all days?

Just then, the recess bell rang so the once empty corridors filled again with students. The exact moment I realized I had gotten myself into a detention with Cristina, my enemy and crush stealer. The detention was this afternoon, the same afternoon I had to go to David's house and my mum would be there. The nerdy girl has finally rebelled. What is going on with me?


So my lovelies!

How has your day/night been??? I hope it was good AND YES I UPDATED!!! *Crowd cheers!*

This is 1200 words long....Long chapter since I have tried to write it 3 TIMES SO FAR!!! You see I tried updating last week but wattpad was glitching and I couldn't move the chapers up or down, then 2 days ago I couldn't upload on wattpad since the chapter upload text thingies wern't comming, so I decided to write out my 1200 word chapter on my phone and it doesn't save. Then today I tried re-writing it and WATTPAD IS FINE NOW!! YAY!!!


Thanks so much for the 66 followers and the 2046 reads...They all mean so much:) May God bless you and good night!

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