Chapter 19: He Asked Me Out?

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"It was a pleasure to have you in our homes once again, just like old times. Hope you have a safe trip home Lara and May, you have grown into a beautiful young woman." I blushed at that sentence,

"Thanks Cindy for having us and your daughter Katherine is a very beautiful girl." I thanks Cindy, looking at Katherine while saying the last part. She is blushing as well.

Cindy laughs,"Well, what about David? I mean we are blood. Not that Katherine isn't pretty, she is a doll." My mum smirks at me, my cheeks growing warmer than they were.

"Yeah, David is beautiful-I mean handsome!" I stumble over my words using. David also smirks at me, his brows rising.

"Yeah May. Whatever you say."

"Bye Cindy, David and Katherine!" We wave bye to the three of them, getting into the car and riding home.


*Next Monday-The weekend has passed*

"A few times I've been around that track,

And it's not just gonna happen like that.

Cause I ain't no hollaback girl.

I ain't no hollaback girl!"

I stab my finger into my phone, in hopes that my alarm would stop ringing. My plan didn't work. Shoving my comforter off my body I sit up, rub my eyes and off that pesky alarm. Why did the weekend pass so fast? My mum would've been gone to work as usual meaning that I am home alone this morning. Party time. I'm usually a shy girl who doesn't dance, sing or do any of that in front of people but when I'm home alone? That's another story.

"I still get jealoussssss!" I screech at 6:00 a.m in the morning whilst brushing my teeth. Doing a little dance I decide that my outfit is going to be different today. Today is the day I will be known as 'May the rebel." The old May is gone for good. Periods change girls for the better and worse. After taking a long relaxing shower still singing 'Jealous' by Nick Jonas I put on a pair of black ripped jeans, a dark grey shirt with leather boots and a leather jacket. Perfect, my badass look is almost finished. Putting on black eyeliner, a dark eyeshadow and nude lips with minimum colour on my cheeks I looked completely badass.


Grabbing a ton of pads I stuff them into my school bag, not wanting the previous incident to happen again. I shudder at the thought.

Skipping down to the kitchen I make myself some toast with butter and vegemite. Pure Aussie food. Looking at the clock I decide it's the perfect time to go to school. Cam better find the new May attractive. I left the house and boarded T-63. The bus ride was short and I was getting weird looks from people inside the bus and I even heard some old ladies whisper,

"Look at that child, see; she is a drug addict." Just because you dressed up like a rebel doesn't mean you are. I mean, don't judge a person by their look. Cristina is an exception. She looked like a slut and she was a slut.Saying a thank you to the bus driver I walk to school, earning a few stares from the seniors. What? They never seen a good girl gone bad? The school still looked the same, not that I was expecting the school to transform into Hogwarts; but if it did I wouldn't be ungrateful. Squeezing through the same couple making out I grabbed my science and math books. Math, yuck.

A girl tapped me on the shoulder and I instantly turned around. She was one of Cristina's minions, surprisingly she looked fairly nice with her sleek blond hair pulled into a high ponytail letting a few strands frame her small face. She had a pair of blue-ish grey eyes giving me the chills everytime I looked at her leaving her perfectly shaped mouth and rosy cheeks the only warm colours on her face. She was gorgeous.

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