Chapter 42: Start Again

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At around 10:00 when Wet 'n' Wild was closing off we all bid our good bye's and wen't back to our houses.

This day was exhausting emotionally and physically.

For the next couple of weeks I avoided David like the plague...I wanted to be with him; I really did, but I think space would be the best for me right now. I occasionally did bump into David which resulted in lot's of awkward smiles and barely any talking but other than that we kept our distance from each other.

But I was not ready for the news my mum was about to deliver this afternoon.

"May!" My mum called out to me after a tiring day of school, I was still avoiding David(for about a month now) and I knew I would have to talk to him when Christmas rolls around....I guess I need to prepare for the awkwardness. I haven't even told anyone about his confession, not even Sammy...I will tell her...eventually.

"Cominggggg," I drawled out, shutting my computer and walking to my mum's study.

"You will not believe what happened!" She told me excitedly, her face glowing with happiness.

"What?" I asked bored, this was probably another one of my mums promotions that happens once a blue moon.

"I got a job in America!" She rushed out of her spiny chair and came to give me a hug.

"W-what?" I asked shocked, the words not fully registering in my brain.

"We are going to AMERICA! We can go live in our house back there and you can enroll in your previous school!" She told me as if it was great news. I mean, it was great news however Australia had taken a place in my heart. Or maybe David has my subconscious taunted me.

"When?" The only words able to escape my lips.

"Just after the new year! So we have a month left, better get packing May cause we are moving back!" As soon as she said that I ran to my room and burst into tears. I was going to leave the people who mean the most to me, David and Sammy. 

Sniffling softly I pick up my phone and give Sammy's number a ring.

"Hello?" She picked up, a cheery tone in her voice.

"Sammy," I sobbed out, trying to wipe the tears off my face.

"What happened May?!" She asked, panic rising in her voice.

"I...I, don't even know," 

"Start from the beginning,"

And I told her about everything, the move to America and the confession David gave me at Wet n' Wild.

"" She whispered quietly breaking the silence that was beginning to take over after I finished my story.

"I don't even know Sammy! And I am so scared, of moving back, of leaving you, of the feelings that come to me when I am near David! I am scared," I nearly shouted but quieted down towards the end. 

"Don't worry May, remember: 'Everything happens for the best', that is what my mum tells me when something goes wrong in my life. Maybe you are meant to go to America...a lot has happened since you came to Australia. You have been bullied, raped and your long lost best friend has confessed to you! If I were you, I would go to America even though it pains me to say this. Take time off and heal your broken soul. I think if you stay in Australia it will be too much for you. For the past few weeks you have been acting really happy, and I want you to be happy. But what happens when the reality sinks in? Will you become withdrawn and closed off!? Take a break need it." She said in a heart-breaking voice. Her words really hit home. 

I will go to America; I just need to tell David first.

I bid Sammy good-bye on my last day of school and we cried and cried and cried. I told her we would stay in touch but as much as I wanted that to happen I had a feeling we would drift apart.

A thing time tends to do to us. 

David was another problem. I didn't tell him we were leaving. He came over for Christmas but I acted as if nothing was happening..or was going to happen. I smiled, talked and just looking at his face made me want to cry.

I was going to leave him.

And every second I saw him I wanted to stay.

But we all know that isn't good for me.

*P R E S E N T:  2015*

"David, I'm leaving." I mumbled as my mum started loading suitcases into the car.

"What!? Is this some sick prank of yours!?" He asked angrily although we both know this isn't a prank.

"I can't stay here...everything reminds me of something and that something hurts me. Leaving would be the best for me." I mumbled into the soft fabric of his shirt, hugging him. His arms wrapped around my waist and I felt a few droplets of water hit my hair.

David was crying.

It was my fault.

"Why...why didn't you tell me earlier?" His voice had gone soft and broken as he asked me that.

"I thought it would change things between us," I told him truthfully as a few of my tears dampened his shirt.

"As if this doesn't change us."

"I'm sorry,"

"I know."

"Do you really want this to happen?" He asked after a few minutes of silence, his heartbeat the only comforting sound in this moment.

"Yes, this is what I want." My decision was made, I'm leaving. For good.

"Okay. But can I do one last thing before you leave?" He gave me those irresistible deep blue eyes. After all we've been through I couldn't deny his request.

"What is it?" I asked, but before I knew it, his soft pink lips landed on my mouth moving gently against mine. The kiss turned out to be slow, yet sad and sweet. Like a book finishing with a bittersweet ending. That is exactly how I felt right now. Like a bittersweet book coming to it's final chapters.

"Bye beautiful."

"Bye my knight in shining armour," I said sadly; with a final glance at his face I knew so well; I entered the taxi and left the life I knew as 'perfect.'

T H E  E N D

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