Chapter 20: Almost kiss

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The rest of the day was an ease; with Cam asking me out, I found that my day seemed to be exceptionally brighter. For instance, everywhere I looked I saw the positive and not the negative. Finally the school day was done and I was more than excited to go on the date.

"I'm going on a date in my favourite rocketship,

zooming through the sky,

my date; Cam and I!" I sang loudly, not giving a care in the world.

"May! Please stop ruining my perfect eardrums!" I quickly turn around to see who was talking to me. David.

"David? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Did you forget that I catch the T-Way as well?" He questions me back. I smile sheepishly and tried to divert the topic,

"So how has your life been so far?" He gives me a jaw-dropping smile. This has to be one of the first times that he has genuinely smiled at me. I loved it. No, May focus. Cam is the one you like. Not David.

"Life's been great. I mean grades are going good, love life is perfect, you're perfect." He said winking at me, I just rolled my eyes at the last remark.

"Whatever you say David."

"So how's your life going May?" I ponder on this question and answer it with honesty,"Life's been fantastic, I mean grade's are going good, love life's perfect and Francisco Lachowski is also perfect." He just tips his head up,

"Why is every girl obsessed with Francisco Lachowski?" He asks, confused.

"Because he is gorgeous, has that bad boy look and supports a rockin' body." I say dreamily.

"So excited with your date?" David asks,

"Yep. I wonder where he's gonna take me." Wondering about the date I have tonight.

"Just be patient I'm sure you'll love it." Why was he telling me this?

"Uh okay David. Look gotta go. My bus is here." I point towards the bus that was slowing down.

"Kay, bye May!""Bye David."The bus ride was quite short but it felt so long. Hurry up bus! I need to get ready for my date! I smile to myself at that thought.

Cam asked me on a date. Me. May the nerd. May the rebel. He asked me.

Racing home, not giving a damn about the cactus' pricking me I quickly opened the door and took a shower.Not long after my mum arrived and I told her all about Cam asking me on a date.

"Oh honey! I'm so proud of you! Although I did hope David would be the one to ask you out; not Cam. But whatever, Cam will do for now."

"Why is everyone shipping 'Day.'" I say, my hands doing a quotation action.

"Day, what day?" My mum asks me confusedly.

"Day. David and I." Her eyes widen in realisation.

"Oh. I ship day too."

"That's great. 2 people shipping Day and one shipping Camay."

"Camay? What Camay?" My mum asks again.

"Cam and I."

"Oh you and Cam. No one ships that sweetie."

"I do!" She just rolls her eyes,

"Just you May."

"Yeah whatever mum. Look gotta get ready now. My date time is almost here!" I squeal, rushing up to my room.

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