Chapter 41: Changes

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"May, I am so proud of you," My mum said full of emotion as she came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"Thanks, it could've never been accomplished without you though," I tell her earnestly, if it weren't for my mum and my supportive friends I could have never got anywhere in life.

"Well, enough of the sappy stuff, let's have some fun!" She said enthusiastically.

And we were off to Wet 'n' Wild, where David would tell me what he wanted to say for the entire day.


"Fantastic job May, you did great today." Cindy congratulated me whilst Katherine clung to my legs. 

"Thanks and to be honest I thought he would've put up more of a fight," I tell her truthfully. It was a shock to everyone when he didn't fight for his case...not even a little bit. He just took his punishment and moved on; maybe he learnt his mistake after all. Any who I shouldn't care about that, the point is, I beat Cam and I was going to enjoy it. 

"David!" I shouted and started waving as he ran up to us carrying a little floatie for Katherine.

"Thanks!" She gave him a toothy grin, pulled Cindy's hand and started running. My mum smiled and said,

"That's my queue, don't wander too far and stay with David at ALL times okay?" 

"Okay," We both responded as the rest of the family went of to the baby section of Wet 'n' Wild, leaving David and I alone.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked. He nervously darted his eyes away from me and looked at anything but my face as he said,

"I'll tell you later." 

"No! Tell me now!" I whined like a two year old, knowing that this pissed him off but the suspense was killing me!

"I will tell you later May." He said in a gruff tone, grabbed his surfboard and went off to the water slides. Tears stung in my vision, what was going on with him. One second he was happy the next he was acting like a girl on their period. You know, whatever, he could keep that secret to himself I don't care what he wants to tell me. With that I stalked off to the opposite direction of where ever he was heading. 

I don't need him.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as we went down the water slide known as the Bombora. I had already been on more than six rides but this one was by far the most scariest, 'It would be better if David was here'; my subconscious hinted at me. Why was I thinking of David at a time like this! I was about to die on a water slide and my brain goes to David and his bipolar-ness. Not fair. I pushed David to the far corner of my mind and enjoyed the death ride as it almost ended. 

"Thank God I survived," I whisper to myself watching other people go down the bombora as I walk towards the wave beach. I stepped into the sand the water barely hitting just above my ankle.

"Yeah thank God," I hear a voice behind me, his warm breath hitting my neck.

"David." I said sarcastically.

"May," He uttered my name as if it belonged to him. What's up with his nice guy act? A few hours ago he left me standing in the middle of Wet 'n' Wild

"What do you want?" I ask fairly pissed off.

"I wanted to go on some rides with you," He replied in a nice tone, completely different from the one before. Oh my gosh, what if this guy is bi-polar!? The thought made my heart race as I wondered what if this was actually the case with David and his mixed attitude. 

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