Chapter 3: Let's Begin

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The car ride on the way to Youth Group was intense and awkward, especially since the car was dead silent. Seriously, you could hear my frantic heart beat. The 10 minutes in the car went awfully long and once I arrive I took a good glimpse at the place.

It was located near a church in a small room that was lit brightly. Stepping stones were leading to that small room and surprisingly I could hear a guitar playing from the other end. My mum looked at me with proud eyes and I fidgeted under her gaze. I stepped out of the car as the cold air greeted me. I wish I didn't have to do this. As I was about to say 'good-bye' to my mum hopping that she forgets to come along with me but she steps out of the car.

I look around frustrated, until I see a girl around my age step out of her car. She is the perfect girl every girl want's to be. Her blond hair with the ends dyed a faint brown is tied up in a ponytail, and as she walks her hair moves accordingly to every bounce. She wears a green sweater over her designer jeans with a pair of perfectly matching green flats. And although I can't see the colour of her eyes I am 100 positive that they are green as well. I try once again to persuade my mum NOT to come to the Youth Group; but she is as stubborn as a brick so there is no chance of swaying her opinion.

I slowly and quietly walk to to the room and to my surprise there were already 3 people there. A little girl (Probably the age of 3), a man( That looks like he is 27) and...... JOCKSTRAP!!!! What in the world is the most perfect and annoying boy in the school doing here? I may have only come to this hippie school 2 weeks ago but 'Jockstrap' has made his position clear.

You know in every school there seems to be this perfect guy? A guy that always get's A's, is smart yet cocky and is an amazing football player. Well Jockstrap is this guy; and believe it or not but I am the only one that hasn't been staying up all night to think about him. Or wait for him to flash me one of his gorgeous smiles(Not that I stare at his smiles but Samantha is obsessed with him.... She even wore Sprite Lip-Balm when he walked near her in the hallway.)

I stare at him absent minded but the perfect girl nudges me with her shoulder before walking past; snapping me out of my daze. I glance at my mum but she has a far-away look on her face. What is she thinking about?

I fiddle with the hems of my shirt before looking at the man. He clears his throat and walks over to me but the other 3 people in the room don't even look in my direction. The man smiles and motions for my mother and I to walk forward. I stifle a laugh as I see the little girl pull on Jockstrap's leg causing him to stumble backwards. I look away and focus on the man in-front of me. He had on a casual pair of jeans along with a top that read 'Keep Calm'. He has warm brown eyes as well as brown hair falling down his face. He smiles before shaking my mum's hand; then looking towards me.

"Hello young lady, my name is Derrek and I am the manager of this Youth Group. Would you like to tell me what your name is?"

"Uh, hi my name is May and it's a pleasure to meet you." I say, as I extend my hand towards him for him to shake it. His grip is strong and firm.

"Would you like to sit next to David, he is the boy with the curly mop of brown hair." And sure enough as I turn around I find myself looking right into Jockstrap's deep-midnight blue eyes. I am going to have to sit next to him for the rest of the night.

My mum waves goodbye before walking out of the door, leaving me feeling lost, confused and stupid. David motions for the rest of the people to sit on the chairs, making a circle and what I had missed was that this Youth Group was huge. At least 50 people have come in while I was talking to looking around at this place David coughs as everyone takes their place. Except me. I remain standing; looking at everyone face peering at me.

"Let's begin." Derrek says before creating a slight pause. Long enough for me to fiddle with my shirt. He starts talking again but I pay no attention to the first few words; that is until he says my name.

"This, is May and she is new to the Youth Group. Please make her feel welcome and May, I hope you enjoy Youth Group as much as the rest of us do." Everyone claps and I suddenly feel uneasy. Derrek starts talking again.

"May, could you please tell us a bit about yourself before we begin." I am sweating by now and I open my mouth to speak but my mum comes barging through the door holding up my Dora wallet......

Hey my lovelies!!!!

The photo at the side is of the little girl- David's sister. Although May doesn't know about that. Isn't she pretty??? She is 9 years old.

I will try to update soon, but my life is busy atm so I appreciate it if you wait for it( Hopefully I will be able to upload in 2 weeks.)

Bye, and please COMMENT, VOTE AND FOLLOW!!!!!! You guys are also Hakuna Matata! :)

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