Chapter 18: May? Do you like David?

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"Well, Belle reminds me of myself in some ways because that's probably how I look when I read. Lost in my own world." His head perks up when I mention reading. "Oh, May. I found this in the Youth Group with your name and I think you left it there." He reaches under his bed and pulls out my copy of The Iron King. My eyes widen in surprise and before I know it I walk over him and give him a hug. "Oh, thanks David." He coughs slightly and responds,"No problem May. Just be more careful next time, wouldn't want a bratty kid to take it." I let go of him and chuckle at the mention of a bratty kid,"Yeah, wouldn't want that happening now would we?" I go back to my original spot and watch Beauty and The Beast with David; just we did in the past.


Half way through the movie Cindy called us down to have dinner. David and I walked silently down the stairs listening to the soft piano being played in the living room. Who was playing? As we arrive in the living room my eyes spot a small girl with blond hair, green eyes and a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hey Katherine, this is May. May, this is my 'sister' Katherine."

David introduces us to each other. The girl looked no older than the age of 7 with her slender figure wearing a white dress. I smile at her and said in a coaxing voice,

"Hey Katherine how are you?" Katherine hopped off the piano stool and stood behind David daring to peep at me from behind her long lashes. David chuckled and said,

"She is really shy, she will only talk to you is she knows you really well." I smiled warmly at her; after all, I used to be that shy girl and still am.

"Well it was nice to meet you Katherine." I attempted to say, crouching down to her level so my eyes met her beautiful green ones.

She shifted slightly then opened her mouth,"Nice to meet you too May."

She said in a small voice. David and I both looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Katherine, wow. You talked to someone new." David commented. Katherine smiled and in a small voice she said,

"Well, I've seen her pictures in your photo albums David." I wanted to burst out laughing at that moment, David still had my photos? David ran a finger through his already messy hair and with a red colour blooming through his cheeks he said,

"Uh, yeah. So you want dinner Katherine. I bet you May's starving." She giggled and went off to the kitchen."I never knew you had a sister David." I tell him.

"Well, she is not a blood related sister. She is adopted. You see, on the 26th of December 2008, a very hot summer day indeed we found her at our porch at exactly 7:30 in the night. Ever since then my mum and I have fallen in love with the little angel; so we adopted her." Wow. That was such a heartwarming story. I never knew David loved kids.

"Awwww, that's so cute! She is really pretty." I say back."David and May you coming to eat or what?" I heard Cindy holler at us, David and I both said simultaneously,

"Coming!" As I entered the kitchen I was hit by a thousand different smells, all delicious. My eyes wandered around the kitchen, being drawn to the dining table filled with many foods; ranging from roast chicken to mince and potato topped pies. Cindy clapped her hands and told us to stand around the table linking hands, my mum was practically drooling over the food. If this is what David got to eat everyday he was damn lucky. Cindy smiled at us and began saying the grace,

"Bless us oh Lord

And these thy gifts

Of which we are about to receive

Youth Group *COMPLETED* #Wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن