Chapter 7: Phone Call.

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This EXCEPTIONAL COVER AT THE SIDE IS BY: woopsydaysee and I LOVE IT!!! Thank you:)


I walk quietly for no apparent reason, slowly peep through the tiny slit in her door and I find her sitting on her bed and crying. Soft sobs shaking her body with tiny whimpers now and then. I didn't know what to do. Go and talk to her OR go back to my room and leave her alone. I was too much of a scaredy cat so I went back to my room.

With nothing else to do, I grabbed a vintage picture of my dad and held it to my chest. I never knew him but from all the rumours that follow him he was a great man. You see, he was strong yet gentle. Strict but caring. I wish I had known him for at least a little longer. No- one knows how he died apart from my family but one day I may tell another person about him. When I am strong enough that is.

Before I knew it my mind had hit dream land where I hoped to dream about rainbows and unicorns.....................................

*Next Morning*


I peep through the tiny slit in my comforter only to be greeted by the blinding sunlight. I go back into my comforter and sleep for another 10 minutes; hoping I catch a fever or something because I really don't want to go to school. Not with David in the same grade as I; I mean how awkward would it be to meet your 'former best friend' who has now turned into a popular jock. I swiped my hand across the bedside stand as my finger runs across the dust settling on the stand. After checking my phone for any updates or messages from any social networking sites I go to the bathroom; to do my daily morning routine. No makeup involved.

Soon after, I ate breakfast(Yes I eat AFTER I brush my teeth) whilst listening to Somebody To You by The Vamps. My head bobbed to the rhythm of the song,

'Yeah you!" Bob my head

'I used to wanna be' Another 3 bobs follow,

'Living like there's only me' 3 more bobs,

'And now I spend my time; thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind'' And you get it, more bobs.

I washed my plates still praying that I will get sick,

"Please make me sick, Please make me sick, Please-"

I got cut off by my phone ringing,

"Because I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!" I pick it up only to find my mother at the other end of the line. She was at work and she rarely called therefore I must be in BIG trouble or something is up.

"What is up mum?" I tried to ask casually. Hopefully she didn't think it was too casual but by the tone of her excited voice I could sense something was off. But I did not know whether it was the good way or the bad.

"Sweetie, I found David's mother's number in my old phone book and I decided to give it a ring to see if it still works and...." She pauses slightly however I could feel a giggle rushing through her,

"WE ARE GOING TO DAVID'S HOUSE TONIGHT!!!" I was too shocked to even surpass this information,

"YOU WHAT?" I yell, my eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"Yes honey, I called Cindy; David's mother and she said that is perfect if we go to their house tonight. Make sure you wear something nice and suitable for the evening. I don't want to see any shorts or baggy sweaters hanging around okay?" I simply nod before realizing my mum is on the phone and not in front of me. I quickly cleared my throat,


"Oh, if you see David around school tell him to show some photos of both of you when you were little! Cindy and I both had a little chat and it is lovely that you to will be reunited once more!" I frown at my mother's words of reunited. We weren't even 'united' in the first place.

"Bye my sweetie." Was my mother's last words as she hung up. Probably busy.

"Bye dearest mother" I said to the air. Even though my mood was all over the place, I decided to make the most of this wonderful Friday. After all, Friday is the best day in the week.

School started at 8:30 but it was only 7:15; I had to get dressed then I could watch something before school starts! That was my ideal Friday. Too bad for me that David had to ruin it.

Today is a normal school day so luckily I can wear whatever I want. I paired my baby blue high waist-ed denim shorts with a floral flimsy top that was covered in blue, pink and yellow roses. I put my hair into a 'sexy plait' as my friend Sammy would say; the 'sexy plait' consisted of a high ponytail which was then braided down. As I opened the window A light breeze danced in the air spring/summer-ish air making me think that it would be suitable to bring my light blue cardigan along. The thing is that in Australia you can NEVER be sure of the weather. One day it would be sunny, hot and sticky but the next day could be boring, miserable and dull. My motto is 'A girl always has to wear weather appropriate clothes.'

I checked the time realizing only 20 minutes had passed, Yay!!! YouTube time!!! I grabbed my yellow Lonsdale bag before racing up stairs like a maniac.

I logged on my Acer Touch-Screen laptop whilst grabbing a jar of nutella. Nutella and I were inseparable. The minute my laptop loaded I jumped straight onto the internet and began to watch Superwoman.(*THIS IS OFF TOPIC BUT SUPERWOMAN IS A REAL YOUTUBER.... ONE OF MY FAVOURITES*)

I clutched my stomach in uncontrollable laughter as she said a joke. Thank goodness no one was here to watch me in maniac mode. By the time I had to leave my lovely house just to be greeted the the 'opening' arms of the school I quickly re-washed my face. No one had to see my Nutella stained fiasco. Before leaving, I chucked my phone into my bag put on my white all-stars converse and stepped outside the door. Excited to go to school. Yippee.-( that was meant to be said sarcastically)

Hello my lovelies!!! How has your day been???

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I just can't believe that my story has reached 138 reads!!! This is AMAZING for me because my story is undiscovered and I have loads of Grammatical errors:) Which brings me to the topic of.....


I also changed the cover of this book and I would like to get your feedback on wether this cover is more suitable or is the old one?

PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!(I mean follow, me and my YouTube obsession)

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