Chapter 40: Everything Falls Into Place

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***May's Bikini in the media section***


"But don't worry May, everything will go smoothly and before you know it Cam will be having the hell of his lifetime." He reassured me, gazing into my eyes.

"May! David! Come on, the lawyer wants us to be there by 5:00 P.M and I don't want to be late!" I heard my mum call out to us as we snapped out of the little moment we were having.

"Okay!" David and I yelled back rushing down the stairs.

The real battle was about to begin.

And I am not going to lose.


Stepping out of the car I was about to finish the battle of my lifetime.

It could break me or make me whole again. 

"May, hurry up!" I heard David's mum call out to me, making me realise that I was walking way slower than the rest of them, even Katherine was walking faster than me.

"Yeah coming!" I holler back quickening my step. Taking a brief glance around me I come to the conclusion this place was really pretty; with huge white columns supporting the building framed by huge pine trees, that were swaying slightly in the breeze. Shivering, I tug on my white skirt I was wearing along with a burgundy top, that was finished off with a pair of black wedges. Closing my eyes for a brief moment I feel a hand wrap around my own.

"Wha-" I was cut off my David hugging me from the back. When did he sneak up on me like that! 

"Shushhhhh, May, you are going to be fine, I know it." He says after a brief moment of silence.

"How do you know I'm worried?" I joked around pushing him away from me slightly. I was entering a legal war zone right now and I did not need the raging hormones that ring when David comes near me. Katherine, my mum and Cindy were all up ahead chatting amongst themselves meaning that David and I were alone for now. 

" get this little crease in your forehead,-" He paused to gently touch the place on my forehead and sure enough there was a crease.

"I didn't know that..." I trail off softly feeling the crease he was talking about.

"Well, you don't know everything May.-" He paused for a moment before continuing. "- like the fact that I need to tell you something once you win the lawsuit."

"What is it?" I asked curiously; pondering on what he might be talking about.

"Just wait May, I'll tell you when we are done with Cam." I look up at him when he says this, and to my surprise his usually calm blue eyes were flooded with uncertainty. What could be so nerve-racking that he couldn't tell me now!? I wanted to ask him further but I decided against it. I could wait till the end of this to find out what he wants to tell me.

*A few hours later*

"May Ruby Landon is here to argue the case of her: 'Rape incident' with Cameron Ascaro as the offender. Is that right?" The judge questioned before the fight for our lives began.

"Yes." I state proudly making eye contact with the judge.

"And Cameron, you are here to refute the idea of being the offender. Am I right?"

"Yes." I hear Cameron's proud voice boom through the halls. If I hadn't been raped first handed I would've thought Cameron must have not been the offender. He spoke in a commanding voice and was dressed beautifully too...with his grey suit and blond hair gelled up, with a strand falling out of place and into his deadly green eyes. 

My hand ached to push it away. 

Instead I clenched my hands into a fist and kept them by my side. 

Cameron was the reason I was here in the first place and some stupid hair piece was not going to change that. Plus, Cam became Cameron; I didn't want to call him by his nickname.

"Well, they the debate being." The judge announced looking at me.

"I, May Ruby Landon, agree with the judges statement of Cam being the offender to my rape case. This can be supported by three pieces of evidence. Number one being the fact that I was meant to meet Cameron at a particular place and once I arrived there the incident began. I saw Cameron's face and there was one other person who saw Cameron as well.-" I paused to glance at David who was staring at me in happiness. "-The last conclusive fact that Cam raped me is because he has a history of doing this to other girls but has never been put to jail because of it."

"And you Cam, tell me why you want this argument refuted." The judge turned around and faced Cameron. I saw a glimmer of sweat on his forehead. 


He should be afraid.

"May got raped in the night time meaning she could've seen anyone at that point of time as she was scared and automatically assumed it was me." He finished, the smug look on his face long gone.

"Is that all Cameron?" The judge asked raising an eyebrow with a skeptic look in his eyes. Wow, that was easier than I thought.

"The case has been closed and the appropriate action will be taken, Cam will spend 30 years in jail." The judge announced causing a huge grin to erupt on my face.

"We did it!" I cheered as my family and David's hugged me.

Life was back to being normal again....or so I thought.

We all decided as a reward for our victory we would go out to a theme park, and I chose Wet 'n' Wild! It was close to where we lived and was super fun. Biding bye to David's family(knowing I would see them in Wet 'n' Wild)  I quickly put on a  colourful bikini that clearly outlined my mood, threw on  a pink lace coverup, shoved on some sandals and stepped out the door with my mum following behind me.

"May, I am so proud of you," My mum said full of emotion as she came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"Thanks, it could've never been accomplished without you though," I tell her earnestly, if it weren't for my mum and my supportive friends I could have never got anywhere in life.

"Well, enough of the sappy stuff, let's have some fun!" She said enthusiastically. 

And we were off to Wet 'n' Wild, where David would tell me what he wanted to say for the entire day.


Hey my lovelies,

How has your day/night been? I hope it was good:)

YAY! LONG CHAPTER! And third last one too:(

Dedicated to @tm101tm for the comments and votes posted on Bus Love as well as Youth Group! THANKS SO MUCH! 

This book is coming to it's final chapter so please stay for the ride! Also, please read Bus Love, I guarantee you, if you liked this you will like that too!

And I love you all!!!!



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