Chapter 30

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Two weeks later Marla sat on a couch next to her older brother, Travis watching his wife Lisa and their 2 year old son Zach play with a ball. The whole family was together for a summer picnic at the park. It was a small get together – just seven people- mom, dad, Travis, Lisa, baby and Marla. It was incredibly simple. Marla yearned for a time when this was her future. When she might be able to picture some other random guy – maybe she met him at church, or at the gym, sitting next to her. Or maybe she met him at school. Oh, wait. She did meet Bruno at school.

“Marla, you’ve been super quiet all day. What is going on?” Lisa asked her.

“Oh, nothing; I’m just thinking about registering for classes next week. I have no idea what my schedule is going to be like. I’m stressing out. Big time. I think I might have to quit my job. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“What’s different from this year and last year? You were working and going to school last year?”

“This internship just feels a bit more intense.” Marla answered.

“Oh…okay. But I feel like there’s something else bothering you.”

“It’s not Bruno is it? He was fantastic when he came over for dinner. He sounds head over heels for you. Like I would have no problem trusting him where he is now….”

“Oh, I do trust him. I mean. I don’t know. It is something with him I’m stressing about, but it’s not the girls or anything like that which I’m worrying about…”

“Then what is it, girl?” she perked up. “Are you moving into his swanky house? Are you getting engaged? Oh my!” she grabbed her baby and sat him on her lap to listen. Suddenly, the whole family was listening to their conversation. Marla was extremely open with her family. She called her mother after every seizure. She called her brother after she finished her first half marathon. This confession, revelation, was somehow just a bit different than the other things they had shared in the past.

“I’m pregnant.” she said bluntly.


The family was shocked. She expressed the same shock as she did. Marla told her family that Bruno was with her 100% - or at least today he was. Her father was still somewhat angry at the situation – although still completely supportive. Her mother was perplexed. Marla’s life had changed so much in the last year. Marla shared the same sentiment with her mother. But, she told her, “When you know….you know…” Travis and Lisa were just excited. Together they were excited. But Marla could see that Travis was a bit upset in the unconventionality of the whole thing. He had met his wife in college. They got married right after college and waited years to have children – establishing themselves, buying a house and finally having a child. That’s what she wanted to do too. It was always the plan. And it was working. But it just got turned upside down.

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