Chapter 85

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Bruno looked at the bedroom trying to decide where to put the note he finished writing in the middle of the night. He started humming as he put it on top of her suite case going back to the bed squeezing into the bed next to her. He kissed her on the cheek wrapping his arms around her feeling her move.

”Damnit, Bru.” she said to him opening her eyes.

”What?” he asked her,

”I was just about to fall asleep and you got up all in my…in my whatever. It’s getting harder and harder to fall asleep.” she told him.

He looked at her sweetly touching her face. ”I’m sorry.” he told her as she shrugged her shoulders turning back around trying to get comfortable.

”You’re not gonna fall asleep that way, baby. You never do.” he told her as she stretched out again feeling the babies inside her kicking.

”Oh goooodddddd.” she whined turning around to look at him moving his hands to feel them again.

”They’re just excited it’s Christmas.” he told her moving his head down to feel her stomach.

”Bruno…you said you have names…what are they?” she wondered out loud moving her hands through his hair as he laid on her stomach.

”Oh yeah. Don’t laugh though. I was just thinking and I really like them….” he told her.

”Well hurry up and tell me! You can’t wait until they’re here to tell me because I have my own ideas!” she told him.

”Okay, okay…don’t laugh…and you can veto them if you want….” he said sitting up holding her hands kissing them. ”I like Esperanza and Angelo.”

”Hmmmm….” she put her hand on her chin rubbing it pretending to think hard about his suggestion. ”Well, I was kind of falling in love with Dexter and Dora.” she smiled at him.

”Oh Marrrlaaaa. Come on. That’s like when Liam said he wanted to name Mila Phineas and Ferb.”

”Either would be great.” she laughed. ”But really…Bruno….” she took his hand moving it to her stomach. ”I like them. I think their beautiful.”

”Don’t lie, Marla. What were you thinking?” he asked her.

”Oh…umm…Pilar and Marco were the names I was thinking of.” she told him. ”But seriously. I adore the ones you picked. Like I want to name them right now.” she admitted.

”Really?” he was surprised because she vetod all the names he suggested when they were picking Rosie’s name.

”It was better than Tempeste Bledsoe or Tatiana Ali…” Marla laughed at him.

”Hey! Just be glad I didn’t suggest Kelly Kapowski!” he pushed her lightly.

”I liked Lisa Turtle until we found Rosalia.” she laughed at him as he buried his head in her hair that smelled like beach.

”But I think that Rosalia was perfect.” he said starting to kiss her neck. She started to moan as his hands moved to her hips moving her shirt starting to tickle her. She started to laugh as he took off her shirt running his fingers along her stomach stopping before reaching her belly button kind of freaking out. Shit. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this. She let out a heavy sigh as his fingers lingered. She moved her body closer to him as he pushed her shorts down her legs touching her thighs lightly making her moan even more. He leaned down toward her ear starting to whisper in her ear.

”Shhh…not too loud, baby.” he replied holding onto her waist sliding his body even closer to her touching her breasts slowly turning her on even more.

”Oh God…Brunnnnooo…I don’t know….oh my gooood.” she titled her head back onto his shoulder as she felt herself get wet.

”Oh Mar….god you’re so hot.” he told her in a low voice moving inside her from the side remembering it was what worked the last time she was pregnant. He laid his head in her hair thrusting just enough to make her moan even more. He moved his finger up to her mouth telling her to be quiet as he started to bite his own lips keeping himself from moaning her name. ”Oh my….” he let out moving his body away from her wrapping his arms around her tightly. ”I love you so much, Marla.”

”Bruno….I can’t get up…can you get my shirt that’s on the floor? I’m cold…I’ll love you forever and share the rest of my life with you…” she begged watching him from behind as he bent down naked picking up their clothes.

”Oh god. You’re objectifying me, Marla.” he covered himself with his arms making her laugh loudly. He walked toward her laying his head on her forehead smiling against her lips. ”Shut up.”

”Okay.” she laughed stretching out on the bed closing her eyes.

”Baby…I’m gonna have to rewrite your letter after that.” he told her as he got back in the bed with her.

”Just tell me what you would write. There’s no way I can forget what just happened.” she replied closing her eyes as his arms started to fall around her body.

”Well..I was going to say that you make the world stop spinning when I’m with you….that the world could be ending and I wouldn’t even know it because I get lost in you. I get lost in your everything. I get lost in your existence the second you open your eyes in the morning, Mar.”

”Oh my god, Bruno….” she started to sniff almost crying. ”It’s my hormones…my hormonessss…” she whinned wiping her eyes. ”You do need to write that down. It would be a good song. ”

”I’ll do it tomorrow…” he told her closing his eyes falling asleep next to her. 

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